Rating: PG
Notes: to the challenge! Crack community
I did this a year ago maso least, if people last year. The review found a few days ago between my old files and decided to make some modifications and re-post. That means that this is the edited and revised earlierI posted on my LJ a pile of years ago I will not tell. Now if, just roll, to read xD.
eniente was still visible and obvious. Chuck
could talk to animals.
Dan shook his head, fixing his thoughts at the time. Chuck
believed he could talk to animals
And so was the situation.
began to suspect a summer day because Chuck had risen quite early, alarmingly early. And then, sometime later, when he awoke, he could hear his voice coming from the kitchen seemed to be talking to someone, but that somebody squeals emitted does not seem intemperate & iacute; an have nothing in common with the human voice. Dan
frowned upon realizing that, and as good curious, approached step by step to the kitchen to see what happened.
But when he got all he had was a squirrel. A small, insignificant, and busy squirrels.
And Chuck was talking about.
For him? No, the squirrel.
And Dan had turned away, rubbing his eyes and hoping he would be asleep and delirious. It worked that day when he woke up again and had no animals at home and social, It was Chuck, calmly drinking coffee.
did not work the following day. And the commonly
suite at the Palace silent, began to fill with birds, squirrels, snakes and other animals less pleasant.
And Chuck seemed to have stopped the birds hate.
That was the trigger (at the time Dan seriously considered sending him to a psychiatric good name, hidden and confidential until you pass the dementia).
But Dan knew, deep down, Chuck soon get bored of talking to animals. So I decided that it wouldanywhere, the end of the day was still Chuck Bass, as a cynic, just as sexy as good as always in bed.
And after a while, as we foresaw, Chuck got tired of talking to animals, and the story was finished, turned to hate birds continued to ignore the other animals and returned to wearing fur. And if Dan still had a shred of doubt about his sanity, that calmed him down completely.
But beyond all ...
Does your cat also speaks? End