Title: And in time we'll Both Know That I see, That we're all we need.
kisachanlove (HOLA * hies *)
Words: ~ 5.300 (OHH ~ ~)
Fandom: Latin Hetalia
Abstract: Two words never had so much weight before. Characters
: July / Maria, Miguel / Manuel implied, Maria + Miguel, Julio + Miguel
Category: PG-13 Warnings: Drama , possible OOC, slash character- side (CAUSE I 'M WORTH IT 8)).
konodachan [CAUSE SHE'S EPIC \u0026lt;3]
aleganott , for your donation
help_chile . Hope you like =)
And so, I let them read.
TMLXC When you had no more than ten years and were just a little girl, he was only five and always smiling, even after , s of falling and hurting kept that smile fool of all babies. It was a baby and you, you were much older than him.
But, as always, had to spend the years, the period of growth and all that. Did you get higher and you develop as a whole woman, exuding beauty and exuberance of your pores. Your features became more feminine and your gestures are imbued with the innate delicacy of a lady.
A perfect horsewoman.
He also grew, of course, you have not exceeded in size, but it was obvious he was no longer a small child. No longer was this kid who thought that ice cream embroidered on your summer dress were real, no longer believed in Santa and became interested in other things outside of food. If
, had grown its own.
As the years do not forgive, you become an adult and you celebrate. And shortly after he reached adolescence, it was slim and the brightness of his eyes became more intense, taking a touch of livelinessdid not have before.
He remained cheerful and sweet as a donut, and continued to have tantrums of fear, but with all the hormones revolts of the time.
And then, when you were in the prime of your youth and fire him in adolescence happened. That happened
. began innocently, with a few sidelong glances, which then became gradually more common. Looks
that deviated only you realized that you watched. Looks
burned you in the back of the neck and even against your willI put a little nervous.
Initially intrigued you, (What the hell
much observation, dwarf?)
and gradually was becoming uncomfortable feeling that you watched. Until the time came when you came and addressed to your nephew on the subject, not very kindly, that is: -July, what is both looking at me, boy? "Practically it spitted.
The teenager had the decency to look away and blush a bit before you smile at with all the innocence that was capable of. Innocence, by the Inca! That boy knew them all, no doubt.
- I do not look at you, Mary! - Denied the very cheeky readily, while looking in your eyes and accentuating her angelic smile. - I see only your clothes goes well today.
Direct to your pride.
You smiled a little smug for the compliment; clear that your clothes combined well, it was you!
For a change, forgotten completely (for now) the issue of looks, so you did not notice the relieved sigh that released in July when you started talking about the new set that had fundamentally changed the subject.
He knew you better than yourself know you & iacute, as well.
Anyway, after that the boy returned to normal, you thought, tranquilizándote and ignoring the issue completely.
The truth was not so simple, that was only a change of strategy, as I would learn later, is that no one is lying when he said that July is a shrewd man of the mountains.
But, well, you had a period of calm and serenity, and ended up convincing you, wrongly perhaps, that paranoia was all yours and that nothing strange was going through his head in July.
always so naive, dear. Your calm lasted
exactament to the day when Julius came to the palace of government of Venezuela with a bouquet of red roses. To his credit, he had gone to tell his boss to visit. None of ulterior motives, Mari, nothing to see.
And the roses were beautiful, and the perfume that emanated from them was fragrant and sweet.
addition, July's face was redder than the roses at the time you gave him, but that did not notice, and were ecstatic with the roses.
(Really, Venezuela, what took you both to know what the boy was brought in his hands?)
"For you, I told you the kid with a smile, then you hab & iacutee; to spread roses with one hand while the other went straight to his neck, as if he was nervous. Typical. - I thought you would like.
's not your fault that the word adorable shot in your mind, Mary. It was a perfect word to describe as it appeared at that time, and you just smiled, flattered by the gift and because he had had the delicacy to find your favorite flowers.
We hugged and he accounted for the embrace, burying his face in your chest, and remained so long now.
You know .... Long time.
until they began to think thatgiven time (we were nine at night, why had he gone to the Government Palace Evo? ... I had forgotten) the poor guy had to be exhausted by a whole coming and going day and therefore had fallen asleep in your arms.
So as any mother would ...
godmother - July? Are you okay?
The boy turned away from you almost immediately and I smiled. But it was a rare smile, and you knew.
was almost "almost" a look of sadness and worry you.
But the pair heecer, because it woke instantly and turned away, averting his gaze to the roses.
"We should put that in water before they mistreat-te said, sighing well as low-Let's look for a vase.
- something happens to you, Julio? "And again your maternal drive. The question came from your lips before he thought, the result of years of your eternal care and protectionism. Bad question, bad question.
Because he immediately composed, concealing the signs of tiredness melancolíao, and I smiled even some derision.
& mdash; Sure, Mary! Let you keep imagining things, "he joked and walked into the kitchen, leading the search for a suitable vase for flowers. You stayed
tailspin. Bite of bad milk, because it was more than obvious that you hid ago, that something was going through that head of yours, not what you wanted to tell.
not insisted, in spite of you, because if I wanted to tell you, it was their problem, not yours.
get to the kitchen in time to rescue the roses of the "arrangement" that Julio tried to do with them and drop a sarcastic remark about the uselessness of mencertain things, which he only replied with a laugh, before you arrange the roses yourself. Mal
time you did.
Arrange flowers, along with washing dishes, clothes and sweeping and all sorts of household manual tasks, one of those activities that keep your body busy but your mind wandering. Something harmful when in fact you have to think about.
For a change, as there was no other, you end up thinking in July. And your mind, your feminine intuition, that it was gathering dust in the cupboard for some time, I led directly to the most obvious answer to the boy's behavior: a
woman. Not a woman friend, if not a woman woman . The dwarf had a crush on someone. And what you meant.
The flare of jealousy that attacked you at the time was so intense that it just lingers in your memory. At that time you scared of yourself for feeling so strange and then proceeded to excuse your consciousness, like all the blame when queen. Paint
well, you knew in July since I was a wally he could not move without help, and you could not understand that because you love someone, it had long been accustomedto be the only important woman in his life: his beloved godfather.
was natural, given that even the parents are jealous of their daughters when the first love, and all that. Considering you'd care when he was just a baby, I could hardly believe that it was growing and did not need you (or your tips) as before.
What if it was Colombia?
A gnashing of teeth and a look almost fainted house made of your face, worrying July, which raised an eyebrow, interrogándote his eyes, by your sudden and remarkable change of mood.
You made a vague gesture with his hand dismissively to the fact, as we finishedas to arrange the roses, receiving a compliment for it.
giraste you to your nephew, who was grinning like a lark, and shakes his head, determined not to ask, and control you, because knowing you, maybe he snapped something like "Would you like
Catalina, Ca-ta-li-na?
"and no, not that you could afford it for the world. Only cause an uncomfortable atmosphere and did not want to know answers, and all that. So I smiled back, and I proposed to go out to the terrace a few moments before leaving to pick up the heads. The clock strikes ten and it was time for you to remember so that hnce Morales went to the palace. Once
Julio was something haunting past eleven, with his boss, and you were brushing your hair and go to bed, fell into the account that you had matured. Had you been able to control your impulses to ask and you had behaved like a responsible adult and total management of their emotions.
Good for you.
(But we know it would not be permanent.) GG
quiet periods. The calm before the storm is always those pesky, unnerve you with their deception, even when you know that in fact the storm approaches. For vari
ar, Julio was suspiciously friendly after the incident. Kind, and certainly far. Much farther.
They increased their visits to Michael and began to run out the visits that you made. What talk? Catalina What?
you exhausted everything. You could not get out of your mind how strange it was his behavior that day was to see and far and now it seemed strange that every time you visit again. Something like if he were suffering in silence, or something like love-pain.
Besides that, it was your pride that you insisted that you had hecho well not to stoop to the level of begging for information. In addition, there was the fact that you would not find out anything good for your pride.
stormy Calm was broken again for a visit in July. A visit that is not found you.
Chavez was out with Martiny way to see you had returned almost to sunset, at five and a little more, just for lunch. And I found him sleeping on the couch.
The maid said you had gone earlier, but had fallen asleep waiting. He had felt sorry wake.
But it was eso what came with your pride and I decided to talk. Dark circles were loading their eyes, and signs of not having slept in days, what bothered you. That was not the face of a happy teenager. For nothing.
July was the closest thing you had, and whatever was happening was getting out of control, and as he was.
You had to do something, you had to know and what you were going.
You thought a moment, stroking the hair of your nephew as the maid brought the blankets they had asked. You had to talk to someone who knew what was going on, someone who knew m á s you of this.
Your mind is illuminated when the maid arrived with blankets.
was how you ended up in the house of Peru, with a hot tea in her hands and enjoying lunch, trying to decide to ask for the matter to your already confused host.
- What brings you here, Mary? - Miguel said with a smile, somewhat concerned and for you and your unnatural silence. - You rarely see something happening Are you? His sincere concern
made you smile a little and open his lips, and to begin at once. Slurreda moment, but then spoke from the front.
"No, not me. But I know someone who does something happens, "he answered. Miguel took the hint on the fly (clever, Peruvian) and took a sip of his tea, concealing his playful smile. Rolaste eyes. - Would you like to tell?
The Peruvian sighed a little, the smile that played upon his lips before fading. The family environment has changed a bit, as if full of it untold, secrets, things you wanted to know now.
And when he finally opened his lips, your heart was in your hand, PreoceUpad for your nephew, wanting to know what the hell happened to him.
But no.
-really think you should ask him, "said Miguel María sighing and reaching out for a donut, to soften the sweet-Al after all is his business, not mine. I do not think that was OK to speak.
frown, and bite the donut. After a few moments moved your hand as playing down, seeing that the Peruvian was still staring at you.
"Maybe you're right," he muttered, trying tofill your cup of tea again, but fell into account that the kettle was already empty. Miguel
up from the table a few moments to bring more tea.
I had time to think, which thanked. Your eyes wander around the room the boy, giving you time to admire the originality of its decoration. I always liked the cozy home that was without ceasing to be exotic, with strange little things that always brought his travels. It was time to think about decoracióny stuff, but the atmosphere lent itself to relax.
allows you to spend some time with the Peruvian para then retire to the palace when the clock struck ten, and so, in search of July.
The boy was sleeping on the couch, and I saw the need to wake up and move it to another something more comfortable. And was becoming a bit late and it was bedtime. In the Government House there were always guest rooms, and probably could not stay to rest somewhere.
You drew near Ely will shake gently, careful not to wake him up abruptly.
- July?
The boy awoke almost immediately and looked at you confused, yet settle unfinished.
- & iquest, Mary?
smile at how adorable he was when he died of sueñoy then you sat by his side as he straightened up on the couch, getting rid of the blankets.
"Come boy, I think it's time to go to bed at a more convenient location. July
nodded and yawned, digging into their pockets to find his cell phone. The question looked something.
"Do not worry, I'm going home - we said, shaking his head, trying to unwind. He dialed a number and was about to click to call when afterhave thought a while, spoke.
- Why do not you stay in one room? "I suggested, a bit disheveled. She looked adorable "You're knackered.
The kid smiled and nodded his lips murmured a "thank
" sleepy. What led them to one of the guest rooms on the first floor and you witnessed how the bed was just unceremoniously dropped on them, too exhausted for anything. Covered with a blanket and kissed his cheek gently, removing the front lock of hair. He was removed & oacuteand, in a dream and you finally got out of the room. Then you retire to your rooms on the second floor, thinking of Ely in what you had said Miguel. Perhaps best just to talk to Ely discover once and for all what he took away the sueñoy exhausted him that way.
you come here for the sueñoa your time, it had been a long day, with negotiations and talks with Peru and the whole reflection. All you wanted was to sleep in peace, without dreams or your subconscious hassling.
Too bad your subconscious feels, and that soñaras.
soñaras with him. GG
I awoke to the sound of a familiar voice humming a song on the edge of your bed and the weight of a tray supported on it, gently.
After a few seconds to recognize the voice and inquiring with a yawn:
- July? - And whether, if it was him.
He smiled that smile of yours so contagious and you smiled back with him the peace that gave you a good night's sleep. The boy has opened his lips toyou speak and you rose from the bed by going to the bathroom to wash your face. He continued speaking.
-thing yesterday, I regret having been to sleep so long. Sorry if I bother.
"Never mind, do not mind - exclaims, to make you will hear through the door. When you left, I waited steaming coffee and a smile spread across your face.
Black and loaded, just as you liked.
"Well, I figured you'd like to have breakfast in bed, as thanks for letting me stay.
You smiled as he turned to climbin bed, holding the coffee with both hands and breathing in his scent. Rozaste her hands to grab the cup and he blushed a little, and hesitated. I was nervous, very nervous, actually.
But, no, there you, accentuating all, without knowing, but certainly guilty.
"Thanks, Julio," he said and kissed his cheek with joy, then plunge your attention on your coffee drinking.
Maybe if you had been a little more attentive. If you had paid a little more attention to his gestures, blushing as he was, you would have seen it coming. And then I would not have taken such a surprise.
that had not changed much, but would have been more prepared. "Mary
when Julio, after a few minutes in silence, speaking, lifting the face of your coffee and you set your amber eyes on hers, putting even more nervous.
- What? Want something? - Question, remembering that you and the coffee were not alone in the room.
"No, I mean this, if ...-arching an eyebrow, puzzled by all the confusion that seemed THROUGH lexicalar your nephew. - This, you. I like you, Mary.
you drop. The cup. Coffee.
That's how it took you by surprise. It was not that bad, definitely. No, because the evidence had been so many the day is long. For, tell me, Mary's nephew What gives red roses to her godmother only because it occurred?
were flown But thus I had not crossed his mind.
July, of course, not lost any trace of your surprise or involuntary act of spilling the coffee. Rojísimas Her cheeks, and seemedto mourn the verge of desperate frustration. And it's not like spilling a cup of coffee was synonymous with a yes or a good host to your return.
So I did what any teenager in a situation that exceeds: fled.
course, whispered a "
sorry" almost inaudible before disappearing through the door but that the same as nothing. Do not listen. Were still processing what had just happened. Everything had happened very quickly and soon the silence returned to fill your room.
You looked at the door by your nephew hnce disappeared, and I bite my lips in frustration, wondering what had just happened. Catalina
had not, there was another girl, there was another woman in his life out of you.
Only you.
Two words never had so much weight before.
You turned to drop into bed and closed your eyes, containing the urge to throw you to mourn. A went overboard your decision to become a responsible adult, you were only nineteen, and emotions still hit you hard.
Damn, not something supposed to happen. CHTMLGG
Time passed. Always
over time.
visit you in July stopped abruptly, and stressed his visits to Peru. Miguel did not say anything or call you to censor your reaction. If it had been someone else (read Catalina) probably would have called to tell you what you had been insensitive, so be thankful that the Peruvian, and had enough with your own conscience. You
not you call it, after all, Julio needed his space, and you knew. You also would have requiredor space being in their situation.
Moreover, even if he had known, would not have known to say. Were not even sure what you yourself felt. You wanted to July as more than just a nephew? Or it was just a family thing too close to imagine anything more? And
else you'd like to July, though gradually fell into account that meant more to you than it seemed, wanted to not accept.
Because it was not right, it was your nephew, youngest nephew, fifteen years. A brat a teenager who did not know & iacuteand is, what love was, and probably whose first dream was you.
Not that you knew what love was, either, or you were too old. You were only nineteen, woman, stop acomplejarte.
was simply seeing it grow, to have seen it from a dwarf, and that annoying and uncomfortable feeling to sit picking on someone younger than you. "
" they say, right? Spent more time
attached to your I ever been in your life, before deciding to call Michael. It had been three long weeks and was about to be fulfilled orNo month not talked to you in July.
to Martin had noticed that something was wrong.
I answered the phone a voice that was not Michael. Nor that of July. In fact, it was the voice of someone who should be in those moments at home of Michael. Or at least not at eleven and late night on a weekday.
- Hello?
stone You stayed a while. "That was not the voice of ...?
- Mig-Manuel?
The boy seemed to realize he should not have answered the phone and heard the clatter of tel é phone to be stopped and then hurried steps after which the familiar voice tinged with shame Miguel resonate on the phone.
- Hello? Who is it?
shake your head to ward off evil thoughts of you, it was time to question Miguel about his personal affairs.
's me, Mary, Michael seemed to come a bit of seriousness to hear your voice and silent you could hear someone softly.
- Mary is a bit late - he began, somewhat uncomfortable. You sighed, exhausted, and made a noiseassent, accepting.
"I know, I know. Just wanted to know if July was fine. I know nothing about him lately.
The boy sighed audibly and you could almost imagine him biting his lip worriedly. Wait for it to decide to talk.
"Not good, Mary. No good, "he whispered quietly in his voice you could guess your question ("
you? Do you feel bad? "
), but decided it was not the time or the time. There would be another time to talk about youhow urgent it was your nephew, I think you should talk to him. Really.
settle, before realizing that Michael did not you could see.
"Yes, talk to him.
"Well," said Michael, trying to cheer a little before that, after a few minutes of silence, his tongue was loosed; worried so much about you as Julio-You really do not want even a little more s, Mary?
street some time before releasing a sigh and answer, and determined to everything you could not lose any more. July not talked to you for nothing and he was the closest personna you, Michael was also discreet enough not to open your mouth and give false hope, so ... the devil.
I do not know Michael. This is not right. I'm his godmother, in the name of God - your voice was raised a few octaves, breaking toward the end of the sentence "I should not be happening. And I should not feel that way.
Miguel seemed stunned for a moment before coughing, probably thinking that respond to the sudden revelation. You just exacerbated sighed.
Maria, are carriedfour years. I know of couples who take a lot more than that, I said, speaking in a conciliatory and reassuring - not as bad as you paint.
Sighs. There was a difference of four years, was the difference between fifteen and nineteen, a boy and a girl.
was like that movie with Tim Burton, in which a small boy decíaa him much older than her that if they waited a few more years of age at the time would be more evenly marriage. It was a matter of numbers.
(In the end the girl married another guy, much bigger than the guy whoI said that. What was that movie? ... Oh, "Big Fish
fifteen and nineteen (about twenty) are one digit apart. That's obvious. And of course, that people would say you, messing with your nephew minor. It would have been too much for your pride as a woman at the time.
- Mary? - Miguel seemed pretty tired, if discerned by the tone of his voice, and no doubt "he" was waiting. So you shrug and sighed again, exhausted by your explosion. There was nada more you could do and it was late and you too had dreams.
would seek a moment to talk face to face in July, explaining that it was only a passing illusion and all that age and
blah, blah, blah.
But do you really want it to be just an illusion? Shook his head, taking away from your mind those ideas.
- As you leave, you apparently are waiting - hawk, turning your mocking tone. You could almost see that Michael was in all colors, it coughed and stumbled upon thego before answering.
"No, not what you think, Mary said with all the haste he could.
allows you a chuckle, that morphed into a wave of sadness even before turning into a smile.
"Okay. I'll call you tomorrow.
Miguel made a sound of assent, and then hung up.
you sit down a moment on your couch, before finally getting up and going to your room, trying not to think of anything due to fatigue.
not dream anything that night, your subconscious did not want. GG
NextOnce you saw in July and had accepted it wanted. It had been five long weeks and had nothing but time to commune with your inner self and reach a decision. It does not help that'd been talking to Michael on the phone every day for the past week.
Manuel had made a house meeting, and everyone was there, or at least most, but Luciano was preparing for the world. Not that Manuel and Martin were not training, but Luciano was always a bit special about football. E
Staba sitting in the living room couch, arguing with Catalina as usual (the beautiful) and looking around. Martin was on the phone while playing a game of cards with Sebastian, Miguel was in the kitchen, moving from side to side, presumably preparing the food, and Manuel was behind him, complaint NDOS the fact that food was not yet ready. On the couch in the corner reading a magazine Francisco botany as calm, ignoring the cries discussion coming out of the kitchen.
you think about the fact that Miguel and Manuel fought like una old married couple. Sighed, while Catalina procedíaa tell you something about Ricky Martiny Eduardo Verastegui and let you think about them, because, hey
is Ricky Martin.
course, that after a while it became obvious that there was no shade in July. When you had come you had almost scanned the room looking for him, but nothing. And in truth, if he was evitándote (which was going on) Julio knew better than to wait for you sitting in the living room couch. I was simply avoiding.
So turn your attention fully to Catalina followed byentities minutes, exchanging gossip and irrelevant comments. As much Catalina and you had been discussing from time to time it was comforting to talk with somebody who had problems or difficult things to overcome.
was almost resigned to the fact of not seeing that day in July, and so decided to go to the terrace, let a little air would ease the stress seemed like a good idea.
When you get off the couch, followed by Catherine Martin commented on how beautiful they were, joking. You laughed and Catherine too, before you opened the glass door to the terrace. CHTML
XC Your laughter faded when you saw Julio in the hammock that was outside. Catalina
July and then looked at you, the recognition filled his eyes and winced. It was then that he realized in July your presence. Catalina
smiled and opened the door behind her hastily.
"I think you two need some time alone," he muttered before leaving and closing the door behind her.
July rose from the hammock at the time and you looked uncomfortable, his right hand going in front of his neck nervously. As always.
-Mary & mdash, you realize that his voice trembled. He was serious, was serious, it was just a kid.
I stood there, looking and wondering what that sounded not silly or illogical because, yes,
had to say something, Mary!
-July, "he muttered. All these talks of Michael to talk at the adult as soon going to be, then have your inner teenager feel shy and decided to talk. July bit her lip and sighed, apparently resigned to be the one to speak first. It took a few moments and luego finally spoke.
"Sorry to have fled that way. I also regret evitándote have been all this time, took a deep breath, seeming to know exactly what to say and looking sure of it, sorry if that made you feel guilty.
settle a bit and then you moved, approaching slowly, passing it and then sit in the hammock with a sigh. July
I watched her, then sat down at your side, rather awkwardly. Look at him and decide to speak was a matter of seconds.
-sorry I spilled coffee "she whispered. He nodded, his expressioncomprehensive told you that understand what they really meant by that, and your pride will not let you say ("I'm sorry I hurt
", "I regret having been so surprised," I regret not more attention. ")
-So what changed? - You asked, looking up at the sky as if you were not really asking for much, as if everything was easy and simple, nothing to fear. It was only then that I got it (was something like an epiphany. But not exactly: it is as if you had known all along but you had never understood totalmenyou.). That hey, actually, yes
was that simple. -All. July submitted your smile, but he turned to see you, stood looking into the sky, happy but serene.
Looking up your time, wondering what heaven was calling him so much attention. It was a blue sky that looked, studded with clouds that moved slowly eastward, with the breeze, like cotton balls. A beautiful sight, thought, and lie your head on his shoulder with a sigh.
You felt when Julius moved his arm, placing a hand over yours tentativerespectively, before pressing slightly infundiéndote security.
not even thought about it, just interlocking your fingers around hers and pressed it back.
Yes, everything was changing. But, for once, did not mean something bad.