Author: ehem,
Word Count: ~ 1.400
Fandom: Latin Hetalia
Category: PG, bitches. DO NOT KNOW SOMETHING, VALE. ¬ ¬
Summary: It is October 8 and the Naval Museum is closed.
Warnings: Slash , something historic. Allusions to the Pacific War. NOT WANTED, BUT BECAME SOMETHING / MEDIUM / FLUFF DDD:
Notes: For
Hear the song while reading Make it Better, short and background music if it distracts you 8D
SHIT, I JUST FALL IN MIND THAT THIS THING ended up being a oneshot.
Let's see, you're used to the presence of Miguel Alejandro. Do not misunderstand, you bastards. Is that Michael has always been a constant in your life, a negativeis, perhaps, but present.
(Even their names are similar: the M-igu-and M-anu-el)
is why, when one morning they are almost all gathered at the home of Luciano on one of his attacks of loneliness you see it not strange. You take a few moments, look in the room and then in the kitchen, expecting to see their characteristic shape and hear their cries exhortándote-coaccionándote-out of the kitchen, but nothing. There has been, apparently. So you go to Julio, who plays something in the living room couch and ask him.
"Hey, Julio, what about Michael?
The Bolivian stares you rare and eye grounder. These points ofstick a cocacho, because you want to know and fast, but the menacing gaze of Mary, I drilled the neck, like laser and know what you're thinking, so you turn, you smile and then come to gaze in July.
The boy has returned to the game that has hands and ignores you.
- July-say, slowly and trying not to say any evil thing, "Where's Michael? July
sighs and pressing pause with incredible slowness turns and looks at you with compassion. Compassion true, colleague, shouting that you're a fool, with mayúscula and everything. "It's
October 8.
This is all your answer and leave some confused and think that is reflected in your face, because July and denies sighs in disbelief, before clarifying the darkness of your mind.
-Battle of Angamos, do you sound familiar?
Demons. Miguel Grau.
Ya. You can not understand why the Peruvian has joined the family breakfast. July
sighs again and returns to his game, you pick up your coat, disponiéndote to leave the house.
- Manuel! - Is the voice of Mary who stops you in the door. Venezuela tours and IBNR & iacute; e.
"Always go to Callao. A naval museum-that tells you. "There's room on that war.
course, what the hell. The tone of voice that says "this" tells you everything.
- What the fuck you say? - The rebukes. Mary ríey only closes the door in his face.
not like it that everyone knows your intentions. You like to think that you're unpredictable.
But then, just in Callao at ten o'clock, almost breathing in water and the coldness of winter morning calándote to the bone. Q You do not understandhat the heck are you doing there, really, is not your nature to go after a guy who's probably depressing in memory of their heroes lost but there you are. What unpredictable in your hand, José Manuel.
you asked directions to the taxi driver and left you in front of a yellow facade that claims to be the Naval Museum of Peru. It also claims to be closed, and you can see some tourists away disappointed.
is October 8 and the Naval Museum is closed.
income after revealing your identity to one of the soldiers guarding the door and you are about to find the peruano. Mary's words are still in your memory, and walk through the museum without actually seeing the things around you, just thinking about the last room.
(I asked at the entrance to the room, the officer pursed lips, as if not to say it, but then you said it. " Last room on the right, next to the Zarumilla . )
thing is coming, pushing the door hit you the memories. Very, very hard.
(There is a canyon of Covadonga in exposicióny can see the letter from Pratt's widow in a box. There mitres and articles for Captainship is lost during the war. Too many things with a back story.)
There are times to remember with joy, were times of war, and both violent and sad. Still hurts to lose all those men whose memory lives in you, the nation.
For a moment you pain invades your heroes dead. You can understand the pain of Miguel, the loss of his men and in particular of the hero, is a pain that you yourself had to feel at the time.
their countrymen may forget, but the nation will never forget the blood of these heroes, poured in his defenseto, and love. Distinguish
front of a painting of Miguel Grau and other Peruvian generals killed in battle, and then, after all, you feel uncomfortable. Feel that interrupt the duel of the Peruvian nation, and even if you are irreverent and everything, you know to respect others' pain.
think of leaving the museum and go, as if nothing had happened, but, damn, you've come all the way from Luciano house with this cool as hell and is not to bring you back like nothing happened.
Toses. And then you regret.
Miguel turns at that time, maybe because you just cough on the cold, and you do hint to hide behinds in a column. He was very mature of you, Chile.
Their eyes meet and tension hangs in the air. It is not the first time you wonder what's attractive in the eyes of Miguel have to get you in that way to them. Nor is it the first time you wonder what exactly happens between you. There is a strain of anger or hatred, as could be understood within a context as painful as it is this museum that brings so many memories of hard times and dark. Nor is a tension in advance, you say, because it is not what they expect out of that, there is nothing that can happen in that moment to change things.
Or do you?
Miguel also seems uncomfortable by your presence and everything is getting too tight. You take a step forward, with many doubts, and Michael sighs, running a hand through his already tousled hair.
You want to make her feel better, really, but do not know why exactly. Maybe because Michael depressed is not a good company, but you would not know how to explain it. It just is.
picks you, even you, unaware that these words come from your lips. You have no idea why you said. Maybe it's an apology for interrupting you in your grief, or perhaps a discULPA for everything that happened at the time. He nods and outlines a sad smile on his face.
"Sorry," he says in turn and is pending in the air that feeling that no one can-or want-described. Miguel
moving toward you or toward the exit, you do not know, but they are face to face and can not move to say something sharp or incisive to end the oppressive atmosphere that pervades. You simply can not.
- Have you had breakfast?
Miguel's question takes you by surprise and shakes his head. And it seriously, a meat pie is not breakfast. Did not eat breakfast at home of Luciano to leave in search of the Peruvian and & desktop search, only one who did it out of the breakfast was the happy pie.
"Great. There is a place here, selling all kinds of sandwiches.
The tacit invitation makes you smile.
"Better pay you, Peru, that I came all the way from the house of Luciano.
Miguel's surprise is palpable, but smiles. You know it's all so easy because Michael is sad for self-preservation instincts aúny yet to return, you also know that for sure the next time you see plead insanity and I know enough to you know, Will do the same, but something makes you think that this time might be different.
have not have realized yet, how much you've betrayed your own words.
"In your dreams, you bastard. Págate you your own sandwich.
smile again to listen. Wow, Manuel, you become cheerful. They leave the museum
arguing over stupid things, heading to the store, and although nothing seems to have changed his ways or treated, have a hunch, deep into the soul, like an epiphany, that this is the beginning of a new tradition.
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