Characters / Couple: Rachel / Finn / Kurt / Puck / Quinn / will
Type: This is a new fic
Rating: This is for adults.
Author Note: I hope you enjoy "I'm not a total waste!, At least serve as a bad example." Lesluthiers
Pd. I hope he is more organized
Previous Chapter: ...
A romantic evening ...
Tonight is very special, for Finn and Kurt, so I try to do everything to make it so ... But in the midst of that, some circumstances they will encounter something difficult to handle ...
A parent who wants to talk about sex ... An aide to a mega store, which shows that you are buying a product that you used only on a night like this ... total confusion which will start very well, finish in more than a better sense ...
Hope you like ...
There I was, facing the sliding door that huge store, as people came and went, with their purchases in their hands.
The largest department store in Lima and in that place I find everything you need for tonight. I sighed and got my hands in my jacket pocket.
According to school blog, if you're sixteen and you have not, you're a loser, it is but you are not any losers, you're the king of the losers. Virginity was not a concept respected and well regarded in the school and it was great whiles will have a girlfriend, but in my case I had a boyfriend, so things were not normal so to speak. There were some charts, where I, Finn Hudson was at the bottom, the product of that detail, but this exchange tonight.
walked down the long corridors while displaying a list of things I would tonight and had taken a number of blog network. The things I had to buy ranging from an inflatable mattress, scented candles, bath salts, rubber ducks, until the inevitable wine, grapes, strawberries and whipped cream.
Several prototypes of romantic evenings, butI could not decide which to use, so I decided to buy everything in that long list and improvise, in due course.
walked down the long aisles picking and choosing what, as I imagined that my life savings would be spent on this night. Article to article, I was coming to the end of the list where I read that last item needed for tonight.
"God, I muttered after swallowing large and see that this place was huge. While knew where everything on the list, could not remember where it was.
Look at the sides, until I saw a guy cl &; Aacute; psycho uniform and thought he could help me. Walk towards him pushing my cart and when you reach your hand touches your shoulder.
clarify "Hi my throat as the boy looked at me puzzled, I'm looking for a product Veras male and therefore need to tell me where this" I smiled.
-Ok, tell me what the producers asked the boy crossing his arms on his chest.
"Well is what we use when we do that I ..- mumbling and ducking his head.
- Pardon? - I asked the guy and he whispered that if I do not understand í a, sighed deeply and pulled out my list and headed for the end to put my finger on the last word and carry it into the boy's face, that focus to read this simple little word.
"Wow, the boy smiled slyly and hit my shoulder" You're a devil-added smiling with more morbidity-What will be tonight? Is it pretty? - Asked the boy.
"Hey I just want you to tell me that corridors are," I said pouting.
"Well, I'm new here and I do not know where they are," replied the boy and I thought I lost my timethis - But who can tell you, quiet, I sighed with relief, when out of nowhere the guy cry-Stan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, this guy wants to know what is hall No condoms, the voice of that boy weighed hear down the hall and rumble on the shelves, while mothers, elderly, men and children turned toward me.
- What? - Cry a subject from the end of the corridor
-Condoms !!!!! Where are ?!!!!- shouted the boy that was supposed to help me while I brushed the edge of a nervous breakdown. People whispered and pointed at me.
LXC, condoms Ahhhh, corridors fifteen-smiled the subject that was in the farthest corner "Lucky matador-added, lower your head and I started to run away from that aisle and people I looked ugly, towards the aisle fifteen, thinking they only had to take a box and get out as quickly as possible to that shop. Hall
fifteen, saw in the distance a small sign, so I ran up and entering it I realized that this would not be easy, because I expected a crowded shelf. My feet dragged along the aisle while reading the small nomnames of the boxes and descriptions.
-Strawberry-read erotic in a box left in place, while my brain started to overheat and imaging was not exactly hot, but because we could not process all the information ny I realized that there was more variety of these products than imagine.
Long, Extra Long, sensitive, colored, flavored, read the boxes without knowing what to decide, when out of nowhere came an elderly man, ie, a grandfather who was wearing bastóny three meters shorter than me and said Need help
"Oh god, I muttered rolling my eyes.
"Oh god" My breathing became more agitated, sweating like a madman, while my body movíaa pace. It was sexy, hot and it was perfect, as was the unique blend of tenderness and perversion. I bit his pale skin as his lips and his eyes told me he wanted more and more and to deny, that take away the pleasure. In a strange movement of his hips, reaching the end strange, almost never touched supernatural ecstasy, which only reached when all is unique and special ... and passage of new & hellip; Woke up wringing wet and my face
"Another bloody wet dream," murmured my bed hitting frustracióny pure shame, because my pants again had paid the consequences of my nothing angelic dreams, need help, add rising from the bed-This is not normal, is not logical and not right, "I said I must learn to accept things and not fight for anything," I , as he walked to shut myself up there BATHING to wash my underwear and let the cold tap water run through my head and I lowered the heat.
& Asamp; iacute; had become my days after Typhoon Hummel, came into my life and let the storm Quinn after finding very affectionate with Mr. Schue. Everything had changed and that included me, because as I was not the same as Puck was proof of that today would be the first time I would talk to her and get the answer wanted.
I shower, change of underwear and dressed, then left my house, heading to his office, ready to do whatever was necessary.
"I must do everything necessary so that this evening sea special "I said putting up and out of my bed, then today would be the big day, finally, Finn and I would be together.
had to strive and do everything as they had dreamed so much energy that I went upstairs to make breakfast for my father.
"Good morning dad," I greet with a kiss on her forehead, while he took a huge numbers of coffee and reading the newspaper.
"Good morning .. You're in a good mood, what is this? - Ask mefather smiling.
"Well," I said, opening the refrigerator and taking bread, today we meet Finn and I reconciled us a month and I have prepared something special for him, "My father opened his eyes and he choked with was drinking coffee, coffee coughing all over, leave the bread on the table and I approached him .- Daddy are you okay? - He nodded and took more coffee to clear his throat
- What do you mean special? "he asked raising his eyebrow.
"Well with candles, romantic dinner and that sort of thing," I said blushing & aacute; ndome a bit.
"You are thinking about having ... .- cleared his throat-sex-father's voice falters there
" Umm, Dad, I think that's private, "I replied, walking away from Ely continuing my work to my father prepare some low-fat breakfast.
"I do not think Kurt is more I think that now is the time-his voice was sober and serious and I thought I was in trouble," Please stop moving and take a seat "When you hear those words I told myself that every possible option to be with Finn tonight was closed withoutI was afraid that my father scolded me for thinking the matter have sex tonight. In my mind were a thousand and one response to this situation, ranging from flight to be with Finn, to assemble a typical tantrum of a child, so I limited in the first instance, to take to feel, listen to what my father had to say and then decide "Well Kurt, the day comes that every parent should talk to your child, because in essence, a father is here to guide, nurture and love their children - My father scratched his bald head and looked at me as if looking for the right words. My father took my hands were shaking and I could feel the Son know I love you so, That as a parent I have to touch this issue with you
"Dad, you're scaring me, by God, What do you want to talk to me? - I asked in anguish, because I thought that was to confess that he had a strange disease or something.
"All right, all right, cleared his throat and said," I talk to son about sex, and there almost dissolved into laughter, but I did the best.
- Sex? - Ask
"Yes, Kurt, Sex, he replied, very, very serious," You see, when a man and a woman love a long-I arch my eyebrow desaprobacióny clear sign he saw me understanding everything at once, so he went back to clear his throat and began again, "When two people love each other very much, comes a certain moment in the relationship where he feels a certain number of impulses that cause, to approach and kiss and ... - my father was making a superhuman effort to not run and as he did that, my son is gay and I have to talk about sex, and must be an act, consent and shared, so if you are looking to molest you or you do not want to say no ... you understand .. Di-no me asked me & oacute;
- No? - I said doubtfully, looking sideways
"Exactly, very well," said my father as she squeezed my hand harder "Knowing that a pianist Therefore, you should be aware that there are diseases and some risk, so there is something you should know and is ... - my father dropped my hands, taking his right hand to one of the back pockets of jeans he wore and take opened his wallet and she pulled out a object, wrapped in shiny silver paper, just pick him up at my eyes and add-on condom .- there I think I almost fainted to see the object in his handsmy father .... It's just so hard to imagine your parents in these adventures, and a chill ran down my back.
"Dad!" He cried, taking my hand to my flushed face and holding his breath.
-Kurt, please I need to take seriously, it is important to me, know that you understand all this and above all, you can protect yourself .- replied my father, and then release a long sigh and open the small package and then deploy the object "This is a condom, use it as a measure of protection ... - my father continued to speak while Idecíaa myself, go to your happy place, go to your happy place ... So all I could remember was the kind of sex education that they gave us a few months ago, where first came into my hands a small object, which was another reason, middle-class which mocked me because I felt that it would be useful and it does not stop there, because during a week, my box full of packaging dawn and Finn was beset by the issue of being the boyfriend of a gay guy ... Remember this, not to the more pleasant conversation, but suddenly remembered another , something that made me re & iacuI, r much at the time and was seeing one of Puck inflate condoms ...
inflated one of my condoms, until you look like a balloon, then take a pen that was available at that location. I started drawing a small eye, then the other, crooked teeth, a few freckles and when he went through his nose, someone entered the room and closed the door firmly, making me scared and sink with the tip force pen and the condom exploded, breaking out of my hands and fell at the feet of the woman who just entered the place.
"I guess you must be Noah Puckerman" she said. Well not just any womenr, was the young woman, tall, statuesque, wearing a tight skirt, so that made it more difficult to hold conversation with her.
"If that's me," I answered, smiling. She took what was left of the condom with the tip of his pen and threw it into the waste basket, and then walking toward the big chair.
"Well I'm Dr. Smith, so tell me the reason for your visit," she said sitting in the chair, opening a book, crossing her legs, showing her perfect legs and although woman was a sex bomb, although this did not lessen that sentíapor inside, so I realized I had more trouble than they imagine, so I started to speak without hesitation.
"Everyone absolutely must all confess, call it faith, call it religion remorse. We all have to speak our truth, "I do not understand why I was doing this.
"I understand, she replied" And what is your truth? - I wonder while scoring something in his notebook. I sighed deeply and bowed his head, it is never easy to confess to a woman so amazing something like this ...
"That he me gusta more than you imagine-finished confessing, causing the woman to stop its activity and watch me as if I was crazy, arching his eyebrow-I know, I know, it's hard to believe, but not I lie, do you you think is easy to say this?, I am, I have a reputation to maintain and I would be very easy to hide, you know? And stay away from any beating, Chinese trousers, sunburn india, launch a trash and any joke that would make me clarify .-
"I understand then why did you confess? - she asked
"For thatthat there is something wrong with me, because I know that this is not normal because I'm a guy and well and ... - I could not finish the sentence
"And you want to tell you that you're normal," said the woman down his glasses and staring at me.
-Si or at least give me a pill for everything that happens, it can be a good time out of my head, but feel this is killing me, that keeps me from sleeping, eating or breathe if you want - bent his head and held it in my hands .-
-Noah, the woman called my name and the head-is you do not expect me to say this, but there is no pill that canda take what you feel, you might be hurt or confused and the answer is more obvious than you think, my eyes opened wide and held my breath "These love with a boy-the air flowed out of my lungs almost slicing and went through my nose Homosexuality is not a disease, but certainly not here to tell you that, "she sighed and put aside her book" You annotations sixteen years, have experienced many things to see and know, if you consider that this should be your world, be okay, so it is too early to say or decide anything about this guy, Kurt, U ; only way you have to do not feelas if killing is to take courage and confess your feelings.
"But it's boyfriend Finn replied.
"I know, so I propose something, meditate on it, consider whether you admit what you feel would improve your situation, whether it's worth the jump, I thought that women are not me was helping a lot.
"At least you can prescribe something for you to sleep," I said, almost begging to help me.
-Umm, I'm afraid not, you're a minor, but it does something for you, "She wrote something on a sheet of paper, fold it and give me the" You can buy this, will help a bit .... C HTMLXC
With almost empty-handed and more confused than usual I went to the largest department store to find the medicine that will allow me to sleep.
- Chama .... Elum nobi em ... .. "I read it in fear of the small role and I thought it was in Russian, so without hesitation I went by my cure for bad Kurt Hummel, although he believed that this would not help me
-Lord do not think this will help me, "muttered the old man kindly helped me choose a condom.
"You must take into account las. Also in my time, did not hold relations with the girl until marriage ... Tell me are you married young? - Said the old man, while I wanted to run the place. I knew I should pay attention to sexual education class, but nooooo, Rachel was seen as an idiot, while everyone was making fun of my boyfriend.
no problem Sir, I will choose either "I replied, taking the first box, to hit and run, when the guy said.
"This is very important and if this is your first time I crythe elderly and there's all blocked me
"My first time understood the importance of gossip and I had tonight on all others, it would give everything in me for the first time although at first had not thought of that fact now things change drastically .- My first time is with Kurt-whisper and a wave of fear washed over me and everything started to turn around and then feel my lungs did not reach enough oxygen. Di Masy few steps as if it were a miracle I saw Puck, asking for something and I thought he was the only one with enough experience in this area,could help. Pushing with all my strength to cart ran to him.
- How it is chamomile? - Scream contorted, the pharmacist who assisted me Chama "But it says here .... Cham-cry ... That points to the sheet of paper.
"If scientific botanical name of common chamomile - answered the subject and thought that life really hated me, so I support my elbows on the counter and hide my face in my hands .- There is in the form of tea and even pills, what presentation do you prefer? - Pregu
unable to believe what he was doing was falling low, so low that bought chamomile in different presentations. The pharmacist returned with a box and a small bottle of pills, the framework put in a paper bag and then said.
"Ten dollars, twenty-
sighed with pain, take my wallet and pay, but when I was about to take my little brown paper bag, someone took me by the arm dragging me away from all she could help me sleep.
angry and I started & eacute, to swear, while the pharmacist was screaming "Lord your pills"
"Enough! - shouting, letting go of the grip of some moron who would have a death slow and painful. - What the hell do you want? - Yell, while those who had attacked me atrevíaa not give me the front. Slowly turn the person and I could recognize who it was, "Finn? - Ask incredulously.
-Puck, brother I need your help, the boy seemed desperate when he said that, but still did not want to help ... He's an idiot.
"No," replied dry and direct, as he began to walk back to the pharmacy.
"Please, I beg you're the one who can help me," said Finn a shadow following me.
Finn "Leave me alone, I have my own problems," I said as I approached to the counter where I waited for my medicine bag.
Puck "This is important, do not know how important it is" said Finn and I finally reached the counter and took my pack, Kurt and I will do tonight
.- "We will do & rdquo ;, the rumbling in my hollow frasecilla beza, I hit my head and ended up closing my fists ... I can not, he can not do this, he does not want Kurt, ie he likes Rachel and no, no I can take away the right of me being the first ... I do not want, do not accept and will not let ...
- Tonight? - ask, trying to stem the enormous anger that arose from my stomach ...
"Yes and it will be our first time ... and buy many things, but I do not know if they are well and good not even know that condom use" the boy whispered, as I hanged paper bagI closed my eyes, processing what he weighed decíay Finn implying therefore not only be a romantic date, if not pass the first, second and third base .- I do not know what ; do and I thought you have lot of experience and maybe you can help me, "And there with that cute frasecilla, the focus turns on my big head. Finn needs my help then let us help.
-there would have started spinning me Finn, "I said to him, and then pose my hand on his shoulder," Let's start .... Puck
had come as a messenger from heaven, had him; To some mistrust at first because I said none of the things I had in the cart serve tonight, so I asked him to stop, but end up trusting as I said there was no better way to just get into a guy by the stomach, so we looked, various kinds of food, well seasoned and rare, they sold in the big tent ...
"The sushi is an aphrodisiac" Puck said, placing a tray of those things in my new cart-
- Can we bring donuts?, I like, "I ask.
!, Few want to take, "answered ó Puck smiled and thought I was helping a lot.
Finally finished all the food we needed and we headed back into the hall fifteen.
-Puck, do not think we should buy it here, ie you can not borrow one of yours, "I said feeling a little uncomfortable.
"Two things, first is not something that can not you lend and second serve," he said with some bitterness.
- Why? - Ask naively.
"Well I am a size XL-whispered, smiling, then intraro the aisle fifteen and take a box .- Take these will serve, "said throwing the box to my chest and walked proudly towards the box.
finally had what I needed to make this special night, so I left the store, clutching two bags of paper, where he had lunch and finally a box of condoms.
"Well, I hope you do very well tonight," said Puck, taking leave of me at the entrance.
"Hey, thanks for your help," he said
"Sure," and took a step away from me, when suddenlypaused and added "Hey, maybe Kurt like taking a cup of tea before doing so, the boy turned to me and pulled a small box in the bag" This is a special tea, I take it and as always .... I did not explain anything more, he smiled and winked
-Ohh, I said, smiling, extending my hand to accept the little box-Wha nt I owe you? - ask, looking for my wallet.
"Nothing," replied he, "Take it as a gift for tonight," Puck smiled, turned and walked away from me.
"Thanks !!!!- listen as Finn gritobacco as I walked away from it
"Nothing," muttered moron, thinking that would stop what would happen tonight, so I told Finn that gave Kurt feed and give him so sleepy he could not, not even dream about sex and if that failed, my sleeping area, should serve, but if all else failed, then I intervene, then Kurt will not let you finish with someone who does not love him. Should be ready for tonight ....
"Everything was ready and prepared for tonight," I said looking at my habitacióNo perfectly groomed for this night and think that most do not succeed, after my father explain the reproductive cycle of the platypus, still hear him, for he knew that his intentions were good ... I sighed and thought this would be my first time, though not exactly the first time a guy touched me, it was Puck-Puck muttered, as he could not out of my mind even though he knew that Finn was what all my life I wanted ... I closed my eyes and try to remove that name from my mind and boast of my achievement in romantic decor ....
Scented candles litban my room, my bed covered with red rose petals at heart a collection of soft music. My bathroom was also half-light, while the candles were figures in the foaming water of the bathtub. If I had prepared everything and just waiting for Finn and his alleged surprise that should not be long, so leaving all settled, I went to the bathroom for my father to shower and change clothes, a ma , s appropriate for the occasion ...
The hours passed while I was at my house getting ready, look clean underpants, I shower, wash my teeth and comb my hair, putand the broken condom in the pocket of my jeans and organize all the food in a small basket. When I was ready I look in the mirror and I said to myself.
"Well today is your night, today stop being a boy and you'll become a man ... Today is your first time, so do not hesitate, do not be afraid Finn, is what to do- Take my cart and left my room to the home of Kurt ...
I was there seven beers enzymes and stepping on the lawn of the big house. Had to be crazy, but everything I had done was right, this is what deb & iacutee; to do, this was what I needed to do and above all else, was what I wanted.
sighed deeply and turned to study the house I had before me, he knew his room was in the basement, I knew the main entrance was closed, which meant climbing a tree, grid or something, I knew it would be difficult, I knew my skills were not very good climber, I knew I had to come to room é , l do all this that was on my mind and that included to kick with Finn Hudson Kurt's life, as í to mutter to encourage me
-Noah, today is your night-
I heard someone approaching, so I decided to hide in some bushes. Finn was approaching the house with a large basket, using a cheap cologne, which could be smelled ten thousand miles away and humming eye of the tiger.
Approaching the door, clean the tip of her shoes in the back of her jeans and knock on the door ..
Kurt answered the call and not even allowed to greet me, then I threw it over to kiss me.
"Hello, I muttered as he kissed me.
"You're on time," said away from me and then take my hand "Come on, Finn Hudson-I smiled and enter the house, while Kurt dragged me to his room.
-I brought some things, "I raised a little basket.
-hiss-me-me-then ordered, opening the door of his habitacióny both down the stairs, to find that the place looked like a very old love story.
-Wow "was all I could say, then took my face Kurthis hands and began kissing me .- Wait, wait, "I said," I brought away a little something to eat, maybe you'd like to try
"I think not," he said taking off my basket my hands and placing it with finesse on the floor, then take my hand and lead me to the bed. I followed him like a robot, as he knelt on his bed and I was still standing.
began to kiss, slowly and in a way that awakens something in me, but still was not as strong, so I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was Rachel. I felt like something was growing inside me & iacuyou, and I forget my fears.
Finn began to hug and kiss me hard in a way that was nice, but I felt something unusual, something very strange he did not know how to decipher. It was not like when I was with Puck, it was all natural, like you really want all that and that there was no limit to what I wanted to do ... I closed my eyes and kept kissing a Finn, but the first thing my mind project went to Puck.
Suddenly everything became easier and more intense, so Finn kissed harder, while all my screaming he wanted to do & hellip, but from time to time my subconscious played a trick on me because I wonder, that she wanted to do with Finn or Puck ..
-Noo-Finn said, pushing her shoulders and away from me, as he opened his eyes suddenly
- No? - Ask him, while I I was terrified and confused .- Am I doing something wrong? - questioning, while everything in me said he wanted to be with Puck.
"No, just, just, maybe I'm not ready .- said, sitting on my bed and watching everything he had built collapsed a golpe.
"I understand do not worry," said Finn "I brought a tea that can help us and if not tonight there will be many more," he added, sitting next to me and hugging me.
"Yes, put my head on his shoulder and stayed for half an hour.
"Well, perhaps I'd better leave," Finn said, laying a kiss on my lips and got up from my bed and I meditate for a second what he said.
-Finn, you said that you'd brought? - Ask not understanding very well.
"If you is a special-Puck said" I used as an aphrodisiac or something ...
- Puck? - Ask-
"Yes," responded and pulled the small box her basket and left me on my hands "Here, surely there will be a better chance that we can use," she smiled and kissed me slowly.
"I / O said, coming out of my bed.
slowly climbed the stairs and reached the front door, opened it and the cold of the night I beat my body and then bow my head in pure pain and shame.
"Hey, nothing happened," said Finn, holding my chin with his hand "We have time-added, sediment a sweet kiss on my lips and left.
I closed the door and I felt like an idiot, first Finn wanted to do and I refused.
-So silly and stupid I am, I refused just because my brain I wonder with who should be tonight, I muttered, but I thought it frustrated me no help at all, so I just , I just walk to my room to blow out the candles, my tub drain and remove the rose petals on my bed .... CH
TMLXC - Who should be tonight? - I asked as my steps I left the house Hummel. SI was objective, I wanted to be with Rachel even had something to Kurt, sighed and told me there was nothing wrong with that if passed by Rachel's house and asked him how are you?, After However, we did not talk again after the incident. Walk
quicker to Rachel's house, carrying with me this huge basket. Within minutes I stood at the door and beat her until she finally came out.
- Finn? - Melooked in doubt "What are you doing here?
"I come in Peace" I said rising food basket .- I can go? - Ask, she saw me like I feared, then smiled.
"Okay, so I could go to his house, which was dimly lit and the existing lighting was only TV, which showed some cheesy soap opera.
- Want something? - She asked sitting on the couch
"No answer" I brought something, "I said, sitting on the couch and shelves for food in theory a duty & amp; iacute; to be eating with Kurt, will you? - ask the sushi-
"Yes," responded and began to eat, when a dull thud was heard ...
- What is that? - ask scared.
-Solo is a cat, "she ...
-Solo is a cat, I told myself trembling when I heard a thud coming from upstairs, as I finished organizing my room . My pulse was racing, thinking that a thief could have entered my house.
Take a splash victoria secret and arm & aacute; ndome value out of my room to the source of the terrible sound.
-Auchhh-Estill me burn as a window through which he attempted to enter, it fit my hand.
knew that was not a Romeo and Juliet Kurt was not exactly, but to what that meant podíay, enter only open window of the house of Hummel, to keep the lovebirds do so ...
Taking all my strength achieved through the window and fell heavily in a room of the house, which was completely dark. I staggered up and walk toward the exit of that ROOMion, opened the door and ....
-Ahhhhhhhhhhh ! - Scream when I felt like a liquid that smelled like fruit and burned, fell into my eyes. I stepped back and squeeze the eyes stumbled upon something that made me fall.
"Get out of my house! - Cry my attacker immediately recognized that, while he was weak blows.
!!!!, -Kurt told me
Puck - Puck? What are you doing here - ask him as I wiped my eyes with my shirt.
"I come to stop Finn and you could do, as I stood staring into the nothing I said" Tell me where you are and I make porridge.
"You're a fool-rio-see Kurt give me your hand, come to my room, wash you face and explain to me how you came to my house ...
few minutes later the water was running through my eyes so pain faded away and can be made open and capture, as was arranged Kurt bath. Scented candles, half-filled bathtub and flowers everywhere ...
-Go thought you'd have a hot night, "I said I sec Kurtaba eyes with a thin towel.
I do not want to talk about it, "he said Puck away from me, leaving me dripping water.
all seemed very romantic, inviting and had to be insane to do so under this environment, so I had to ask the question that killed me. I stood up and walk to it stopping at a safe distance.
-Kurt, do you - clear my throat, "you did? ..- Kurt looked at me and hang my head and then sit on the edge of the tub.
"No pude
replied ... "He could not Finn said looking into my eyes when I asked him what had happened tonight and that veníaa my house with a basket of food," he so I simply said I was not ready and indeed no-Finn I sigh I know he's my boyfriend, we are giving a second chance, but really, "Finn was silent and hung his head Reality is I can not get you off my mind, "Rachel added," I ... I love you, "Finn admitted, which both wanted to hear - I know things did not end like we wanted ... - room listenedlar but did not know how to react, so I just limit myself to be me-Y ...
Rachel suddenly felt like I threw up and started kissing me, it felt so good, I was alive and just what we wanted to do. Hug her tightly while I bend her weight and forced me to lay on that sofa, as she was positioned over me. This may not need to close your eyes, just do what sentíay that was to be with her tonight ...
"So I could be with him tonight" I said as I saw Puck complete state of shock. CHT
-SIIIII MLXC !!!!- cry Puck raising his arms to heaven.
-Puck is not funny he is and my boyfriend, "I said rising from the tub, to leave the bathroom
" I know, I know, I'm sorry, " hasten to answer, as I left the BATHING walked to my bed to sit on it .- Just out of curiosity, what stopped you?.
"I'm not ready," said lowering his eyes, he sighed and walked towards me, then sit up in bed next to me .- I am a fool.
"Hey," he said - You're not a fool qho says that will have to deal with me, he smiled, and took my face with his two huge hands are special, unlike many girls or boys, you did not do it because it was trendy or you felt a loser, you want to be single-whisper, his words seemed heartfelt, I sigh and my key into his eyes and something strange happened, I forgot everything, even as he called me and I just got closer to his lips, as if he needed to kiss him, he caressed my cheek and left me to move quietly to him. He kissed and hugged me tight as I live and I felt strangely happy, I was working, just estaba being me and that was too nice.
Using all my weight is on the small body of Kurt Hummel, as he kissed, with intensity, while forgetting, therapies, and the thousand and one I made up excuses to get away from him, so I said.
- I want to be first for you?
- I want to be first for you? - I asked Rachel, when from one moment to another I felt that my world would die unless he was with her.
His amazing eyes locked on me and a blush, the framework in their cheeks
-Si-responRachel gave while everything in my feeling that explode with that answer, so I wanted to kiss it again when they ask a question - Do you have protection?
"Yes," replied Kurt, and there all things strange confusions or doubts were erased from my mind, there was only us in a bed full of rose petals and lit by candles ... I turned to kiss him, when in my kisses and caresses Kurt made a question .- tell me you have protection?
I paused for a moment and look for the package, which I knew had bought inr shop in the pocket of my jeans and ....
I stopped before kissing Kurt continue to look in my wallet, the last condom he had and ....
found nothing, because the pockets of my jeans were torn, so at some point fell in the same ...
found nothing, because the last condom the had inflated and wasted in the doctor's office ....
cry "Damn !!!!- Finn, finding no protection.
"Hell! - Puck cry, seeing her... empty wallet.
serious romantic tonight, so today Puck Finn and learned that romance is not sex, should not be with whoever you want ...
able to post today, sorry is that I have some difficulties that make can not imagine a lot ... sorry about that ... I hope to post more next week ...
I know Finn and Kurt are brothers, but I began to write fiction some time ago .. so hopefully not much dislike the subject ...
Thank you for your comments and for reading ...
Kimikuma_Chan ... thanks for commenting, take your time, go at your own pace and not pressure you ... You should not ask forgiveness, I grateful to write, so as to take some of your time in reading me ... I know you'll do well, it will be good ... but I'll wait and post when I'll read and comment ... .. I encourage you wait ...
Laty ... as always thank you, my dear friend ... Copy and noted, for it isfic to date will have a special just for you, with all my love .. If Finn is getting worse, just have you patience ... Thanks for reading and comment ...
All thanks to follow my crazy ideas (like this) ... For you my eternal gratitude ...
They were like, values and respects