designee's name:
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character / partner (s): Grindelwald / Dumbledore.
Rating: NC-14
Summary: Things had always gone without so he could avoid it.
Disclaimer: All this belongs to JK Rowling, nothing belongs to me and I get no tipgain or entertainment out of place in creation.
Warnings: Angst . Death main characters and some secondary . (shading to view)
Betas faction_b
Notes: YA. Well, this has been done with great effort. MUCHISISÍMO. Hope you like, dear. †
The first time you know not a great match, no lights nothing, not an earthquake happens, nothing happens or strange magic. It's no big thing, their first encounter, really.
In fact, even knew their names. There were two or & ntilde, normal children and innocent, and his first encounter was purely accidental, in the main street of Godric's Hollow, both next to their mothers, none behind the skirts of them.
Kendra had just come to the Valley, and Albus was just a baby. His father was in Azkaban, convicted, and innocent look in her eyes had vanished, giving way to a strange seriousness in a child of eleven. That year would Hogwarts, and I knew I would carry the stigma of his father, although he tried to kick it.
Your mother had made a sudden visit to Bathilda, her aunt to help her decide if youor would be sent to Hogwarts Durmstrang. Your father, tall and bald, he had already decided, and there was not much to say about it, but she wanted to hear more opinions, even if it was useless.
Bathilda Hogwarts said.
But that does not change anything. You went to Durmstrang anyway, thank Merlin. However
then yes you will not care.
was so you, Gellert Grindelwald, future dark wizard behind only a generation later by Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore, the future protector of Muggles and Order of Merlin, First Class, Picturesquely pile up at the door of a bookstore either. A sword glittered in one of the windows, surrounded by many books, enough to lure two children like you, thirsty for knowledge.
You fell before the crash, and you've never been, nor would you be in the next few years of tough.
(It was almost embarrassing how easy it was to beat you in a melee).
-Sorry. Albus
offered to you, worried, his hand and grumbled awhile ("Be more careful ") prior tomarla with a genuine smile, that he had no malice and cruelty that historians would endeavor to give your features in the future. Albus smiled back, and both you enfrascateis in awe of the books, and the sword. Kendra
Albus called a few minutes from the shop next door, to leave, and Albus, obedient, went with her. He turned before leaving the library.
look away from the sword a few seconds, nod, smile.
And he left. Spend a few seconds looking at espada and minutes later suffered the same fate as Albus, being called by your mother.
is a lie that thought from then on each other. It would be a fallacy if I said that from that moment saved forever in their hearts that special event full of significant silence in which her talent was recognized as twins.
No, it was like so many little things in everyday life, a crash at the bus stop, an "apology" whispered in the subway or the person you are to quickly get out of the cafeteria a. Forget it right then, and if we see the person, not remember them.
tuv Noor importance.
(It was actually quite sad to be a first meeting). †
In early summer, many years later, when he was seventeen and had stopped looking swords and books in the windows, and just finishing school Durmstrang you expelled. I bet you remember, the repeated experiments, the girl's screams, violence, and your satisfaction. Well, at least that was the nice part. The point is that I drove.
That was not so nice.
still remember the fury of your father and mother's distress. She wondered in qu é had failed and he annoyed at your incompetence. No one sat down to talk with you about your purpose in life. Anyway, not that I had ever done.
But still, you already had one goal: a world where wizards dominate. You were very knowledgeable, and had read constantly about the fighters and, above all, presence every day how Muggles, despite being the weakest, forced the magicians to hide, to hide his magic.
You were an idiot. Had a strong and believed in it. Had followers,because every leader, even dark enough, have them, and you, Gellert, were a natural leader, the kind that the mass remains unconscious because the instinct guide.
Your arguments, strong and determined, ended with little or no resistance as they may have with your ideas. Your years in Durmstrang had not passed in vain, the magnificent library at your disposal, your thirst for knowledge and curiosity of your classmates, I had become a leader full of ambition, sparking what would soon become the greatest revolution of all time magic.
Or so quer & iacute; as believe.
Apart from some of your closest companions in Durmstrang, with their natural fascination with the dark arts, no one has ever heard your theories, and that was definitely a point; bil against you, and it was clear that there were certain things improve, otherwise you would not have been expelled.
(Do not know yet. That you could not do it alone.)
The other weak point you had was the fact that I had discovered. Were expelled, with no views to be readmitted to school, and no more room for experimentation. CH
TMLXC had all the earmarks of being a horrible summer.
So when your mother suggested, in desperation, her aunt Bathilda send to calm down and make you recover the shaft, accepted immediately. It was a change of environment that maybe you would say what was missing in your project and we hope to achieve the perfect society, and you knew it would take time. Finishing school was not important, your mission was important.
Your father hesitated for a bit more, perhaps aware of the implied freedom to travel alone and let you stay with an aunt, you only consent, but your mother had a cansado of abating. Heard them discuss one night before leaving.
- Durmstrang I knew that would not do it! Look at these ideas ... and these symbols on the walls! - Your mother was sobbing. All this has been your fault, you and your elitism, and your desire to stand out.
Your father had remained silent, and your mother had left the room in tears of rage.
But the next day your father gave his permission for departure to Godric's Hollow, so he went next week between preparations and make excuses to leave without a stir in the remaining dand the family. Mom
you leave with a kiss and a sad smile before you took the train to Godric's Hollow, I did cupcakes for the road and warned you not Bathilda desperate aunt. We also said that Dad had gone to the Ministry, had no time, with a smile of apology.
would be one of the last times I would see your mother before she died, months later, and would thus waving goodbye from the station, as would remember thereafter.
The symbols on the walls of both complained and thatthe school also complained, not erased, even years later, when you returned to the house in ruins, the symbols which had so cherished in your youth were there to remind each step of the way to greatness.
wand, and the stone layer. That
wildest dreams, boy. †
Bathilda aunt was not a conventional, or at least convinced you that this summer. It was totally that guy who will spend hours telling stories of the rebellions of the elves and their own youth, mixed with proverbs and sayings that always take alg & desktop search n type of moral stories that do not.
("And so, never, never do an elf angry.")
But it was also the guy who let you think only when necessary. As historian spent many hours in his studio, letting you walk around the house quietly and leave the back garden just to meditate.
're not going to lie and say that summer will never get bored because the first few weeks were like a crash course in magic history, with brief periods of alimentacióny dream, but you can say you were very few, if not null, true moments of boredom. C
HTMLXC Especially when one afternoon, after having helped Bathilda particularly heavy with books and threatening (especially that with fangs) in your attic, sat in the tea garden.
"Tomorrow I want you to meet someone," I said with that tone so characteristic of his, to enthusiastic discoverer. - He is the son of our neighbor, and I'm sure will be great because it is a good boy.
These were the first words you heard about Albus Dumbledore: "He is the son of our neighbor" and "is a nice guy" as an introduction for someone who jam & aacute; s be erased from your mind. Do not know what to think at that time was special Bathilda their views on people, and still were not well versed in it.
- not as if I were to go soon-designated Bathilda with a smile and laughed affectionately. I had appreciated, you were his favorite nephew and he liked that were there, regardless of who might have ulterior motives.
-so right, boy.
Her laughter reminded you of your mother. You received a message by then, was sick, "but only a little, do not go to worry." Nowanted to think about it at the time, it was assumed that this summer was to enjoy and plan, right?
When he said "tomorrow", you had thought
morning. Tomorrow as an indefinite term from twenty four hours the next day, not six in the morning on a cloudy day. Bathilda But it was unusual, and not thought to be because you're at home, apparently. You out of your habitacióny you left reeling from the house, the blonde made a nest of albino rats and pajamas anyway, hacia the garden.
mumbled a few things along the way, as you could be idle, and the fact that if they left at that time, Albus would not see because it was always inside the house and Ariana just came early.
you curious, to say the least. Would that such a hermit Albus of those who were locked to submit all his thoughts to God?
You had time to think about who could be distinguished Ariana before two figures in the garden adjacent to the Bathilda. A girl lying on the grass, receiving little sunlight was beginning to seep betweenclouds, and who seemed to be the guy you were going to present, reading a book in a chair, looking occasionally at the child, as if afraid that something would happen.
Bathilda left stepping loudly and smiled tenderly. All traces of rough conduct ceased to exist, along with the grip of a bear that teníaa your right arm.
- Albus, good morning!
The boy looked up from reading his book seriously, to see who it was. The girl was lying on the grass, humming.
"Good morning, Mrs. Bagshot-greeted himVanta chair and approached the fence that separated them.
Bathilda smiled graciously and bear grip will tighten a bit. "It's
Bathilda, son, and wanted to introduce my nephew. Gellert, "I said, pulling something from you, this is Albus. I hope they are good friends and care for Ariana.
Albus smiled and offered him his hand, you took. He had a nice smile and penetrating blue eyes. I immediately attracted.
Then the girl got up from the lawn, and then as quickly as it had stopped, threw ó to his brother.
-Albuuus, a butterfly stood me up!
You felt the instability of its magic. It was a time bomb, you could see it contained a lot of magic. The boy smiled and bent a bit to be at its height.
"I know. Saluda, Ariana.
The girl smiled and waved before going back to your space. I was perplexed, and the smile of Albus jeopardy.
"It's my younger sister offered as an explanation to see your expression, and Bathilda nodded with a sigh.
-Espero will not be giving a lot of work, you know you can ask us anything he said and you sighed, because their use of the plural was excessive in these last days.
"No, not necessary, but thanks.
looked tired and had dark circles the size of a tennis ball under the eyes. Yes, it was quite necessary.
- Why not spend the day together? I have to do a few things and not be at home, and Gellert becomes unbearable when left alone. That
to embarrass nephews should be a kind of code bookss grandmothers.
"No problem, man.
you had already invited, and easily crossed the hedge. Bathilda shook his head.
"But this boy and his pulse going to give me something. I do not know what's doors.
This time Albus almost laughed, and realized, because his smile was much more real. Were not those who are set to analyze the smiles of the people, nor of those who put their names and numbers, but knew how to read expressions. Albus Dumbledore was a surprisingly nice person, but very frustrated, and wanted to discover the reasons. Ariana
turned to see you when cruZaster.
- What's your name?
-Gellert, Gellert Grindelwald.
"Nice, I'm Ariana Dumbledore.
was a delicate grace, and wondered where it would be his mother. The mother of so kind brothers.
- And your mother?
Ariana paused and looked at the floor, Albus, by your side, Bathilda stiffened and gave you a sneaky elbow. 'd Just screwed up and knew.
was Albus who broke the silence.
-died a few months ago.
There are times when you wished you have no mouth, Gellert. Por example, that.
Bathilda sighed and began to roll.
"Well, boys, let them. I have to do my work.
And with that he was leaving them alone. A few minutes Ariana went to his area of lawn and Albus did see a chair next to hers.
The discomfort was alienated.
that day remains in your memory as a day of discovery, talk about anything and simply find a person with a lot of knowledge and skills that rivaled yours. That day met an equal, with similar thoughts and great aspirationsLike you. Ariana
relegated once entered the house, walking through the rooms and tinkering on anything.
When you left, and on the last afternoon, Bathilda had come home and I began a sermon about the touch. Touch as a virtue of prudence.
I told the story of Ariana, and his father was in Azkaban. Kendra care that Ariana had all his life until his death, and Albus was now the head of the family. We also talked about Aberforth, Albus's younger brother, and their peculiarities.
When was satisfied with the care alerts and quand you should have, it was past midnight and a yawn escaped your lips intentionally causing Bathilda frown before adding what appeared to be his last warning.
"And do not think I have not seen you look. Be careful, very careful what you think, boy.
definitely Bathilda-aunt, was not what one called conventional.
you retire to your room under his watchful, mocking eyes, wondering if it really was so obvious that the boy had caught your attention.
But no, it was Aunt Bathilda, he saw things that are not room & amp; iacute; a.
† These two months I woke up several days early and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning more times than could be considered healthy.
know that Albus had certain ideas in sympathy with yours. He was very intelligent, totally the kind of person you'd want to be there for you when Thomases power.
's decision not to tell your plans took the overnight, were young and carefree, reckless and all synonyms, but not stupid. He said one day that Ariana had aroused particularly bad after a night LLEna nightmares, as you had said Albus.
were in the kitchen of the house, both having coffee and looking downcast Albus your own mug, perhaps lamenting the state of her sister, perhaps cursing the memory of the muggles. Knew that there would be a better opportunity to speak.
"This would not have happened if the muggles were under our control.
should be ... You found the body of Albus tense moments with your words, as if wondering what to do with this view, as if he ponders his answer, and then heard him mutter, with emphasis and determination securcute n words since then would be stored on your mind.
"Yes. For your own sake. Perhaps
thought the deaths of Muggles that Ariana had been wounded in the hands of his father. Maybe I was being cautious. But the words penetrated deep into you, and placed the last piece of the puzzle of the revolution.
For your own sake.
The words that would lead years after the revolution had been said, even if their author did not know. Albus looked up from his coffee and looked at you. Feel strangeor chest, a warmth, which recognized that the person in front of you was your equal, someone of your kind, your kind. Ariana
still crying in her room, quietly.
They stayed up late talking.
That night, came home. †
Days later, Bathilda found a camera in her attic. It was one of those ancient and incredible in the last century, certainly, had jumped on one foot all the morning, loading it from side to side and making cuddles like a newborn.
"This camera-Gelly Gelly. It's simple objectsregret amazing! I could die happy right now.
"Stop calling me weird, Aunt Batty.
Batty "Do not call me, on behalf of Merlin, but it is ... watch it!
was so excited I had gotten the camera to jardíny had fun taking pictures continuously, this flower, this tree, the leaf falling slowly from the ceiling. So much emotion and cries of joy could not go unnoticed and soon Albus poked his head out the window of his home.
- Is something wrong, Mrs. Bagshot?
Bathilda sand was bowlegged. A little. Is that Albus did not usually start conversations.
-A camera. I found an old camera in the attic.
You sighed with emotion about children's aunt fifties. Albus laughed.
Bathilda That seemed to give an idea suddenly seemed to think for a while, affectionately patting the camera, before grinning like the Cheshire cat and call Albus hastily.
"Come down, Albus.
question Albus looked at you, but you shrug, you had no idea & quamp; eacute; passed through the head of your great-aunt, so Albus down obediently and crossed the garden hedge.
"Come, come together. You have to take a picture, guys. You
bufaste. That was a great idea.
"No, no pictures, man.
"Do not be a killjoy, Gellert, and stand as Albus, which is a good boy.
Albus smiled, and you walked toward it, for the photo.
"It's less painful to hear you sing, Gellert.
laughed, that was a surprise that Albus good kid makes fun of your voice.The flash went off and the picture was made.
Bathilda smirked.
"But, okay?
"For Merlin, Gellert, are terrible, son. Terrible.
Bathilda would keep that picture, you will laughing with Albus, until years later. Even after you left.
But did you know that's not ever. †
can try to deceive and say that no, Albus Dumbledore atraíay you that, Melin, never tried anything with it, but nobody would believe you.
I had called the attention ó No, and I knew. So did Bathilda.
"I have an eye on your actions, young Grindelwald.
looked like one of those conservative women charged with protecting the virtue of the sons of the great families. Only under that protected the neighbor.
the beginning was the simple thought that was attractive. It was not love at first sight. Nothing is love at first sight, because they believe in love at first sight. There are sexual connections at first sight, if something helps, but there is no love at first sight.
not think it was perfect. Because it was not.
not kiss the ground she walked, because you were so or longer aacute; s brighter than him.
... I just drew,
a bit.
A simple and mere attraction that grew in a rush a few weeks. Perhaps because of the closeness, the number of hours pasabais together, plans and any complicity.
and conversations shared silences.
Sometimes it was obvious there was some tension in the room when challenged or where there was a particularly heated debate. Since that time we discussed one aspect of the greater good. You thought that was a permissible margin of loss rather broad. Albus held a different opinione, the minimum loss, the best of the future.
And things got a little emotional.
"They are dangerous to themselves. For us and for them. Could ignite a home for manual errors and venting of gas, something that never sucederíaa a magician.
"But any loss is a life less. A life altering balance.
At one point they were both unemployed, discuss and Albus stared at your lips, they were in his room, and he was halfway to explain for the umpteenth time that the key was to be responsible power.
lab bite youios with all intencióny a smile full of mischief surfaced to them. Albus coughed and stopped, and a very slight flush appeared on his face. Looked away.
I liked that power.
"I stayed in" must be responsible with it, because .... " Albus blushed
Masy still went on, tripping over the words before you completely shut to stop being ashamed. Searched his eyes until he was forced to look at you and smile.
you would have been hours looking, as the pair of fools that you wereIf they had not touched the door with force. Albus
out of his reverie, his cheeks a little less colorful, and went to open the door.
was a boy slightly younger than he, with the appearance of being totally rebellious and insane.
I looked and looked at Albus frowned. He seemed angry a lot and Albus's face tensed turn darker.
had no idea what happened, but thought you knew that this boy should be Aberforth, Albus's younger brother.
-Arian says he feels bad. Albus
neg & oacuteand, with his head and sighed wearily.
"It's a hypochondriac, Aberforth, the chances are it's nothing. Fever
-Aberforth said, gritting his teeth, but Albus only downplayed. Aberforth
left closing the door with a blow that resonated strongly, and muttering insults at them. To you, who in fact did not know, let go, not seeing Albus and Ariana.
Albus sighed and turned to look at you.
"That was my brother. Sorry that was so rude.
asentista and smile & iacutee, ste. He smiled back at you that day
wondered how far reaching your impact on Albus and if you wanted so much as it seemed. I project images from both ruling the new world and wondered how far they could get to be together.
Far away, you said. Maybe too much. †
whereas Albus spent much time in those two months, and that letters were sent anything in the middle of the night was almost illogical, if not irrational, he did not know Aberforth combines . I was in school, of course, but their holiday had begunand when you came, so you might as well have been.
I had seen, of course, once in a while, when he left the house at night, according Bathilda, to do God-know-what with the goats, but ma s beyond a glimpse had never spoken to or had even submitted.
A part of that time in the room Albus, you had not tried, and did not know what to think of it. But apparently he knew what to make of you.
not you hear anything until a day early, leaving the garden to seera Albus, saw them together, discuss
dresses together. - Stop your nonsense! Aberforth, Albus told him, trying to come down the voice. Ariana is increasingly sensitive stops crawling behind that guy and Lend more attention!
Ariana were arguing and sat on the edge of the back door, covering her ears. Feel a bit sorry for her and because I had to see their siblings as well. Albus's face hardened, and for the first time you saw anger in his eyes.
-Gellert has nothing todo with it, Aberforth. You should know that I care for Ariana as much or more than you. Aberforth
roared with rage and took a few steps toward Albus, pushing hard.
- If something does happen to Ariana will be your fault! "He shouted angrily, without flinching. - Last week I had a fever and who had to climb to care? Do you? NO. You were too busy chatting with your boyfriend to pay attention your sister sick!
It was offensive that Aberforth speak in those terms when there was nothing between you two (evennot for lack of desire) and Albus in fact did make things Ariana Albus should put in place. Ariana
whined and that seemed to reconsider the Dumbledore brothers, who left to discuss the state immediately upon realizing that he was nervous. Aberforth grunted in frustration and walked to her to calm her.
"Easy, Ari, is over, we will not discuss the case, right? Calma.
Ariana nodded over and over again, tears and Aberforth, proving to have great tact and sensitivity below the apparent brutality, was finally able to take intothe house, and quieter.
Albus stood still, looking at the door that had disappeared, perhaps pondering the words of his inelegant and rather unbalanced brother. Not going to let that happen, of course, because if you thought twice his consciousness again, you know, Albus was a very correct and could not let that pass. It was your time of entry.
- Albus?
The way his face changed, so much stress relaxation, a few seconds of seeing you, did you get an idea of what he meant Aberforth with the "Novembern. "
"Oh, Gellert.
-Al, if you had the resurrection stone ... why would you use?
was a very personal question. A few nights ago and had been discussing the issue had arisen the Deathly Hallows, Albus knew about them and had talked at length about the subject. It was the center, the axis of your project, the elder wand, the stone layer and giving both young dark lords, the power over death.
You had discussed what would you do with themEspecially on the wand, and other objects had been somewhat neglected. You were not stupid, you knew that the stone to reveal to you was a Inferis army would have been too much for Albus, so he said nothing, and therefore it does not make him wonder what stone.
you been wondering why half the time that had elapsed so the question left alone. It was just a tactic to stop thinking about things they could do to change your mind, you said, cynically, but knew in the background that meant something elsewas an implicit offer of trust, was asked to undress her soul, her desires, for you.
Albus was silent a moment, taken by surprise by the sudden question.
Perhaps he also sensed the significance of what you asked, because it was an abnormally long pause for reflection. I looked into his eyes before answer, for long moments.
Wait patiently.
- would bring back to my parents. Albus
always said unusual things.
However, something, deep down, I said that that should nothave been nothing unusual for you.
After that weekend, Aberforth returned to Hogwarts. Your holidays were over. †
Decades later, already paying for the mistakes of your youth in Nurmengard, remember it when it stopped being best friends to become lovers.
would be a memory that you spend time ayudaríaa especially difficult when the cell seemed particularly small or particularly lonely. Those moments that I missed most.
was one of those evenings when not talking about the greater good and to be friends againyears of the early days, speaking without a goal or anything, just talking. Had been a month and a half of your arrival, and seemed as if they know of life, from childhood.
You were lying in a chair, flipping through a book, and he was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. Wilde talked about because Albus had read a couple of his recent works and tried to crawl to his reading, the book ojeabas was a copy of "An ideal husband."
"It's good, very good. It has that feeling, and that such a poetic way of telling; should read it.
not wanted to read, and quiz & aacute, s except that Wilde was a muggle, but since you asked what Albus, lying in bed, his shirt giving a glimpse of some of her skin while trying to touch the ceiling, was a little difficult to remember why do not you read Wilde. Your lips moved before talking to your brain.
"I'll read tonight.
Albus smiled with closed eyes, that mischievous smile that said he knew perfectly well that your response was totally unintentional. Saying he knew of the influence it had on you.
No it was not mutual.
could also be smiling que knew he would spend half the night sending each owls, so good, in any way showing how much he influenced you.
did not know why you stopped. Albus was not definitely seemed to be more than comfortable with the insinuations and again had dropped, and seemed as eager as you to send everything to hell and let the things happen.
Perhaps the fear that does not work, or then, upon taking office, everything is destroyed. Or the fact that they felt they deserved it. But your ego was always higher than necessary. Forclouds, say your old fellow Durmstrang, so this was not a very plausible reason.
When Albus opened his eyes, blue as sapphires, to fix on you with a speculative eye, curious and full of questions, some ended up breaking into your chest.
Before you knew, you were lifted up from the chair and was about Albus, kissing him desperately, as if your whole life was in it, and every bite, every moan, was the passport to eternal life. Albus's hands went up your back to hold you by the neck, then one of them becoming entangled in your hair brown. A groan escaped hislips.
The notion of time is lost for both, making it painfully clear that they were "lost in what they had gotten into it without even thinking. They parted for breath, staying together, breathing in the lips of another.
Albus smiled before gently kiss, kiss chaste and mild you a bit dizzy.
was going, now you would hear something about love and commitment, and you all would terrify and uncomfortable. You closed your eyes tightly, and support your face in his shoulder.
"You took quite a bit.
A sigh of relief disguised as a snort.
- You could have moved before, right? Tonight
not come home. In fact, that night they came to nothing in the room.
That night, Ariana had nightmares again.
not hear you until the next morning, Albus either. †
Things would go into decline from there. Were spending more time together than ever, and Albus, Aberforth and not to press, had ended up neglecting Ariana Bathilda began to worry a little.
had received news from home. Mom was dangerously ill, and Father pokered to come back as soon as possible. Feared for your mother, and at the same time, wanted to stay a little longer, just a little more.
You loved your mother, but were a bit selfish. It had been one month and three weeks.
This week, the last of your stay (although that still did not know) were two things that marked your life forever, both devastating, both unhappy, a plunging all the other , destrozándote completely.
The first was the death of Ariana.
happened on a Friday Albus you and chatted in the room. The fireplace crackled trstagnation, and the evening ended falling slowly, were talking, telling Albus and would trace the elder wand and Albus heard you with one hand on his chin, staring intently.
Ariana was sitting in the dining room a few feet of you, but completely focused on a book, humming softly.
going to be a quiet evening, you say then it would be. Until Aberforth was, of course.
was about a second, that Aberforth out of the chimney, furious and wand in hand, to give Ariana a little cry and you two were lifted.
- Aberforth! & Iquest; What are you doing here? Back to Hogwarts right now, or expel you!
Albus was almost in front of you, yelling at his brother. But Aberforth was not listening, it seemed completely mad.
- And Ariana? Are you going to take care of it as well as these last days? "She screamed, and red sparks out of his wand. You raised your turn yours, feeling threatened, and dresses like Albus held his harder.
"Enough, Aberforth, I've had enough. Back to Hogwarts!
-Arian is perfectly well, rinse with a arelaughter. It was not the best time to talk, but you did, there were times I really do not think. Aberforth
waved his wand with a snort of rage and seemed to want to jinx Albus (or quizása you, but being behind that Albus was not exactly possible without attacking them first) so so quick to cast a spell immediately.
Maybe you should not have started the fight, perhaps you should have reduced everything to spells have allowed or perhaps simply ought not to attack based on a slight movement. Aberforth never knew if they really wanted to attackAlbus at the time, but you were not going to take the risk, right?
Aberforth you dodged the spell and you moved slightly behind Albus. The counterattack was swift and soon, spell after spell flew over the room, the noise being dominated by the fearful and uncontrolled crying Ariana.
not point to Ariana. That you're safe. She was behind you in the dining room, and would have been difficult for matases casting a spell in the back.
But I threw the killing curse. Once. Well, a couple of times.
was not you, but not even that andstas insurance; not targeted, but rather the spell may have rebounded somewhat.
But it was a matter of finding guilty, or thinking about it. Ariana's body lay lifeless on the floor of the room, and after you came to see it fall to the front door in a hurry.
You had to get out of there, and had enough deaths on your back without it, it was not your fault. Safely opened the door and you giraste, casting a last glance at Dumbledore brothers. Albus
you also looked at that moment and his eyes met yours. There was no sign of any hatred, withoutand a deep sadness and confusion. At that time Aberforth shouted, kneeling down beside the body of Ariana, and you closed the front door behind you.
Your memories of the rest of the night are blurred. Remember coming home and asked Aunt Bathilda return home immediately. Remember to pack your stuff with amazing speed to the Aunt Bathilda puzzled look, which still help you.
And then your house, your father and no use whatever grim sight.
Mom was on her deathbed. †
Mom died a few days. MUrio you at the foot of the bed, telling them about your summer, censoring anything related to Albus, that is, almost everything. You told the incident of the camera, however, and did you get a laugh from his lips. Until it became serious, and you wished you did not. I sighed and looked into her eyes with a faint smile, but warm.
-Gellert, dear.
I looked so much love and sadness that I caused you pain estremecíay almost physical, you could have wept like a child, because your mother is going to say goodbye and you know, but you did not mourn & iacute; ace. It was a novelty to have that feeling, but it was not unexpected, was your mother was dying and there was nothing they could do about it, absolutely nothing.
"Tell me that I have not failed, heaven, volverása be good. Tell me that it was all in vain. Promise me. It hurt
your mother did not understand your ideals, you did not see the greatness of what you were about to start, but could have promised everything at that time. He was weak and wrapped in blankets on the bed and bent them you look tired. You were a fucking selfish and a despot you would be half of your life, but loved your mother. More than anything, m á s than anyone else.
"You have not failed, Mom.
And she smiled so happy that you felt a lump in the throat for lying. But then he looked away from your eyes and stared at the ceiling, you use whatever you approached the bed, holding her hand and smiling a little. She laughed, relieved and fragile, and you held her hand tightly.
"Well," she whispered.
and closed his eyes.
The funeral was very nice. People who knew the neighbors talked and gave you sympathy one by one, and even that pretty girl, the store gave you a hug with a tristeza profound. Dad spoke, too.
Many words and many important things about what a good wife and mother who had been on how intelligent and truthful, how smart and wise.
But do not care. The only reason you called your home, a home, had died.
You left the next day, if you say anything to anyone traveling the world. Do not come back to that house until years later, near the end of your reign, when it was destroyed by people against your ideas. Dad
moriríaa few years, without searching, without sending you a letter.
The moment our mother died, and when you break your promise, it was when you were no longer to be Gellert Grindelwald and spent the next master of the elder wand.
And it was very weak, you decided.
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