At last! Wrote something! Aaa! Will HAAC cold! Haha actually if XDDD ~ ~ I'm a little tired. Uu / / no I had uploaded porqe had no time: / /
But now! XDD So let's go fast with this, I must sleep now
nn Title: "carzy You"
XD Author: Ayarashichan
couple: Obviously Ohmiya \u0026lt;3 & Juntoshi out there: D
Genre: AU Romance, Yaoi, Fluff, Humor a bit} {, and Angst tmb a bit XD but I promiseqe is not as ugly as the last
XD Rating: R . . . Porqe yeah! XD haha
Note: Gift very late! for
Note # 2: This narrated, mostly, by Nino: D
Note # 3: radical change! XD ages of the kids here. The largest are: Jun and Ohno XD And after they Sho and the children Aiba and Nino (:
And obviously as we deduce qe month and June isl higher after Ohno, Sho later, after Nino, and the baby is Aibis
xD Now if the OneShot!:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Crazy You" XD
"But ... Ohno-san ... "
" already decided. Sorry, I know you really liked working here, but ... not necessary "
" But ... I want to continue helping "
" Sorry. I do not think you're going to keep learning a lot here. It makes no sense that you stay "
" I do not care, "said the boy, desperate. "I ... I want to continue here "
There was a moment of silence between them, in the face of Mayor reflected the sadness and disappointment.
"Why are you so?, You disappoint me. Creeí your dream was to become an architect ... "
" What is "
" So why do you cling to this place that we can not teach you anything? "
This did not know that answer, so I remained silent.
"But I admire you greatly. And you can still teach me so much ... "
" But I've decided not to. I'm old. I know nothing about modern architecture, you should study with younger people, peopleyou can help
"But ..."
"There are no 'buts'. Otsukare deshita sama "ruled with a firm voice, and made a small bow in front of the child. This just watched as the man gave him the last words ... the last words. And volveríaa never see it. Thousands of thoughts went through his mind many emotions collided at once, together.
And he was standing in front of the only person who truly loved throughout his life. Unable to say anything. Not daring to open his mouth ... I wanted to say, really wanted to say: 'I Love You. " Whatever it was, to haltthis heading, not wanting to let go.
But in the end ... could not. He sighed and made her lean, resigned.
"Otsukare deshita sama ..."
And it was the end.
Damn birds. Why do not you shut up? The noise of cars, people in passing that whispered to me faint lying on a park bench. What the hell cared about them? It bothered me.
"Sorry. I do not think you're going to keep learning a lot here. It makes no sense that you stay "
sense Is not, What was the sense that it gave my heartn your company? I could not stand, and it was a fact, had about 1 hour since I left his studio. And there was no longer fight the urge to get up, run to the back, and tell him I loved him more, he would not say anything, I would take the shoulders and kiss him and , as usual. But could not. That lack of respect, ne? Who cares about respect now? . . . In short, neither I nor my mind nor my thoughts, were able to agree. So I was over here, lying on the bench, like a kid on the street, penniless, homeless and without food. He had all that, but nor really care. I only queríaa him.
'You were a fool' a little voice inside my head told me. And he was right. How the hell do I, a boy whose only ambition in life was to graduate as an architect, to be very successful with it and to rub his father's face that he had, and without their help , fell in love with a man, and not just a man, a man almost 10 years older than him?
When?, When my dream became to be at his side, rather than comply with what I promised? Not only me, if not allthe world.
had almost about to give up everything. On the verge of losing people who supported me in everything and always had done, only to be with him.
Love if it blinds people. And although he no longer had the same feelings, the pain ... the pain was still there. It was not my fault. I had reached that place with all the desire to learn, not just to learn, if not surpass the master. Satoshi Ohno knew that was a great architect, almost universally recognized, and had always admired his work, far from being professional, was artistic. I was very excited when his former secretary said I could startwork the following week. And at first, my goal had been the same. I did not know when ... Changed.
guess it was the fact it was gentle and kind to me, always asking questions like: Did you eat?, Did you sleep well?, Got a lot of work?, Things like that. Plus, his sincerity and confidence, never had anyone but a close bond with me, told me, practically all his life. From that moment I felt I wanted to be with him always being there to protect, to care for and to cheer.
But ... I had left, apparently thought that my time was over there ... andhours should leave, now we had to walk down different paths, and was supposed to get rid of the love she felt for him.
sighed. I closed my eyes. And my phone rang. Hell, I was not going to answer it. But continued playing. Continue to ignore it. And rang again. Damn it, do not talk to anyone now.
"Ninochaan! Least Aiba.
"Sho Come home!"
"Eh, what the hell are you doing there?"
"Gorowing movies "
" Movies?, Aiba, I can not "
" Neee, I already got out of work not tell me you have extra work ... "
And he had to remind me, I knew to not hacíaa purpose, but still hurt.
"Medicine does not have homework to do?" I asked, trying to change the subject.
"Since the term"
"So lets do some homework on economy Sho ... or whatever you are doing "
" It's over ... He says he was not economics, was of Directors "
rolled my eyes. "We Ninochan," yeah? & Quot, I thought for a moment, but had no way of denying, if Aiba did not leave me in peace all night. "Okay," I replied.
"YAY, then we wait here" I nodded and hung up. Keep the phone in my pocket. And I remained where I was. A small smile formed on my lips. Aiba ... and laughed. That guy ... I did not understand how the hell had gone with a friend like him, but I do not repent, everyone wants to have a friend like Aiba, although sometimes be annoying.
remembered the day he told us he wanted to be VeterinAryan. I knew immediately that this was his vocation. At the home of her parents had a mini-zoo, and when I was there, always took care to pick up any abandoned animal in the street, cared for, fed him and gave him muucho love, and then s let them go free. Neither his parents nor Sho or I, we were surprised when he said he planned to study it. We knew he was born to practice this profession, and had done very well all this time. Sho
, meanwhile, had decided to follow the footsteps of his father with that of politics, and the race was more tedious and more subjects in all, compared with ours. But mySho I knew that he loved. I always loved listening to anything his father had to say, and while taking him to the office, Sho was moved a lot and always behaved very well.
was very happy for my friends. They were the best I could have wished ...
"Huh?", "Architect?"
"Shhhh, nee-chan"
My sister covered her mouth with his hand, but it was too late. My father was standing in front of us and looked at me like I do not recognize. "Ar qui tec to?" He repeated slowly. I just nodded. "What happened to law?" I rolled my eyes, sick of youma.
"Dad, I told you I do not like that race
" But everyone in the family have been dedicated to that, look at your sister, a great lawyer will be very soon ... Why do not you? "
" Because I do not like. I'm not interested, not strikes me, I will not defend anyone "
" But it's the family business "
" Well, I do not care, I want to study architecture "
could not be sure .. . no, wait, if I could be sure: My father was angry.
"study law because I tell you!"
"NO!, You can not decide that for me & quot;
"Of course I can, I'm your father. And I will not pay you another race
"I do not care, do not. I'll do "
" I'll sing, and without your help "
Since then, no longer a recognized Ninomiya for my father. Decíaa who everyone who had no son. After that, I had left home, and he could spend some time with Aiba. I got a job and rent an apartment, and now living there.
My sister and mother paid half of my career, behind my padre clear.
remembered what he had been happy when they told me they would, and could realize my dream. I remember I promised to always have good grades and pass around, and had maintained. And remember, having promised myself that nothing in the world would think of doing anything else, anything that interfered with my career. . .
I guess I had broken that promise long ago. Some time ago, and thought about my work as only a moment to see it, to be with him. Not like learning, and had no intention of 'beat the teacher' now just wanted to be with the teacher. Did
going to break that promise with my sisterand my mom?, they had esfrozado much for me, I would do it for them.
I got up, and took my bag, hung it on my shoulder, and walked toward the house of Aiba.
I would. Continue on with my life, no matter what. What do all these promises.
"will be a great architect Ninomiya-kun. Never give up and continued with all your strength. I hope to see great things from you "I walked
deliberate pace, with one goal in mind. Fulfill my dream. And not wanting to admit that I did for him.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
&; Quot; "Nino chan?" I
Aiba's face in front of me suddenly. I tried ignoring it, turning my face toward the screen, trying to concentrate on a stupid movie that did not want to see.
"Nee, Nino-chan, you okay?"
I put my eyes, tired of him so close, her small voice was starting to bother me. "Yes" I replied. "Well, do not believe," he objected. "Not my problem" I assured him.
"you tell us what happens, are you tired?," Ohno-san made you work hard?, Do you work tomorrow? "Made me puestions quickly. I just keep quiet.
And television was turned off immediately. "Hey, Why turn off?" I heard the reproach of Sho.
"Something's wrong with Nino-chan and do not want to tell us"
"Oh yeah, What happens to you Nino?"
sighed. Why should I have friends who are so concerned about me?
"I told you I'm fine"
"I'm tired that's all
" Do you have a lot of work tomorrow? "Asked Sho
ODiab mention the job because he reminded me. "I have no job," I replied.
"Hey, that's good. So you can relax ... "he began, Aiba, Sho interrupted but
" What do you mean I have no job? "
" To that, I have no job. Ohno-san decided to close his studio and now I'm out of work "
" Eh, why shut it? "
" I do not know, said something about how ... Rest and relaxation "
" Sure, he can do because it has a lot of money. But what about you? "Sho spoke.
"I know. But you want me to say? What can not close it because I have to keep working? Is their study, not mine "
Aiba and Sho smiled at me showing me their support. But I could not, nor the smile and the words came out of my mouth.
"Wait, you and leave you just like that? Too bad "began Aiba, Sho looked confused. But I took from my pocket a sheet, put it on the table.
"What's that?" Asked Sho
Places, in which I am 100% recommended by Ohno-san, if I go, I have a job immediately "I explained.
"Wow, so if left you ó to secure job, why you look so sad? "
" I'm not "
" Is it true? "
" Huh? "
" , Why do not you separate yourself from the "
Aiba said" not true "
" Please child, you are so obvious "
" No, not true ... Wait, so obvious? "
" Yes, since you came to work there, it was more of Ohno-san this, Ohno-san that ... We were spending talking the whole time "
My eyes were opened in surprise, he knew. But as no pod & iacute; to be surprised when I had just been told that my love for Ohno was obvious and I could see your face?
"Well I ..."
"Obviously we're sad about that ..."
"I'm fine
" Did you tell? "
" Huh? , Tell him what? "
" That you love "
" Aiba!, I will not say that. I can not ... "
" Why not? "
" For Ohno-san is much older than him, and Nino should not be thinking of a 'future' with Ohno -san. It is obvious that it will not "
That room & amp; iacute; has been too hard. I knew that would not have it, he had been foolish from the start, but how the hell do I tell my heart that he is?, How do I tell him stop loving him? I can not. And the way things Sho had said, only made everything worse, it made me feel worse, because it was true, because it was 'Malo'.
"I think that Nino should be content with what he did, and who has offered an opportunity to work in these studies are very good. What could learn from Ohno, Nino and I learned it. Everything else: 'You forget,' "he said, looking into my eyes. WantedHTMLXC "Otsukare deshita sama" I said, making the slope
"Nee, darling Do not get me, what happened to my invitation?"
My smile widened, but the truth , I was tired of it.
"I have a lot of work lately, did you see what time I'm dating? It is not easy for me, with school and work, Koharu-chan "
" But you promised me take me to dinner "
" And I will. When you have time, "I assured him. And hell, it would have to, if not, leave me alone.
"OK, then wait & amp; eacute; "
" Wait "I said, and I go, before I say more. I decided to go down the stairs, however, needed a walk. And did not want to bump into someone in the elevator. Reach
reception, where he was the person I wanted to talk.
"Ari-chan" I smiled, and lay my head on the counter.
"Do not do that," I scolded. I loved when I did that.
"Nee, do you have time today?" I asked, straightening up.
"I can not
" Why not, Whatis it this time? "
" My mom. I stay with her today, is sick "
" It's just a small dinner invitation. It's not like you plan to take you to another side, "explained innocently. He gave me a warning look and put my best face Good child.
"Now less"
"Ehh?, Not fair. I want to go to dinner with you, when I can? "
" When I'm not busy "
" you always "claim.
"Well, if that happens. I told you last week "
" I was veery orcoupage were tests, should consider "
" Well, now I must take care of my mom "
sighed frustrated.
"Why do you work so hard?"
suddenly asked me "Huh?"
"Why do you work so hard to leave me?"
"Because I want do "
" not true "
" Of course, if "
" What about the girls up there? "
" That?, That's nothing. There is serious "
" With me if "
& qUOT; If "
That was a big lie. But hey, I was trying. It was just that, and had spent 3 years, it was my last year of college, and I still was clinging to him. She did not want to be. I wanted to forget, and I needed this.
"anyone else, I can see it in your eyes," he said, pointing to the face with a folder full of leaves.
"not true"
"Enough of lying Ninomiya" replied angrily.
"Okay" I said, raising his hands in the air as a sign of performance. "I saw that you do not want to give me a chance, so I'm going. Are You Missingis "and I turned around, heading for the exit door. I heard a small 'Ja! " from you before I left, I ignored it. How are supposed to achieve my goal if the girls that really interested me not give me a chance? And
had failed, had not yet forgotten. Damn, 3 years and still in love with the same person. And I kept thinking about every minute of the day, and all my projects, everyone was always thinking about him. Always, my motivation was, 'If you see, would be proud' How pathetic. I walked down the street, decided toto take a fucking taxi to take me home, where I could go and just forget how horrible it was my life now. Where I could spend all night remembering all that had lived with him.
My phone rang. 'Aiba, enough' I thought, before removing it and realize that if it was Aiba.
"What happens now?"
"Fiesta!" Was his answer, and you could hear much noise from the other side.
"Where are you?"
"In my house, we celebrate that Shoch is only a few months to complete"
" Nah, I'm tired "
" Please
"Aibachan ..."
always convinced me Why? Well, that was not. Was that if not paid attention, I knew it then do not leave me alone all night.
"Okay" I replied, excited to hear your voice and then hung up. It must now take the subway, the house was Aiba. But the road to the subway station was crowded, and that already passed the 10, but people here in Japan is a vampire and never sleeps. And to avoid the large congregation of Vampires, I took another route, from behind. Where'd like vampires, but not many.
walked calmly through the semi-dark streets, I do not care what might happen anyway, would be much easier to get things done well, that way no one could say that I had fled my responsibilities, my promises, or that I had just surrendered to an unrequited love.
The station was near, only a few bars of vampires.
Well, almost none was full. Probably because it was Thursday, were strong on Friday and Saturday, not that I know.
So can anything happen to me today either? Damn, look at mee! I am a puny guy can not defend himself, and bring with me ... well no, not so much money, but a knife in my stomach I would fall well now.
A bartender, poor, crazy customers should have today.
"Let go, damn it!" Yes, crazy and noisy customers. Perhaps, if we went in and started yelling, too, someone would hurt me. But that did not count as an accident, because I had gotten to argue, had gone where no one had called me. And it would be classified as: Run.
Rel. If that should be a great show there, maybe if you had to enter. Wait. That voice ... Knew ...
Well, I had never heard and never seen him drunk in my life, but ...
If you had seen suffering, and now he was.
I turned, my feet walk by themselves, as if a magnet attract them. My mind is telling them no, but these are not obeyed, I would not obeyed either. I looked through a small window in the corner of the room. My heart jumped as I saw it was him. I did not think it
volveríaa see again. 3 years agohad disappeared from my life and the lives of others. Damn it, someone would hurt if she left there. So my legs suddenly decided to enter. All looked at me, and the bar fell silent. The back was me, when he noticed the silence turned around, and her eyes widened in surprise.
"Nino ..." he muttered. I smiled. I was happy to see him again.
I approached him, and took one arm, I turned to look at the bartender.
"How much do you owe?" I asked, pulling out my wallet. The other just looked at me puzzled and said no Ohnoada. "If it takes you here now, nothing," replied the man. I smiled.
"Thank you" I took her arm and began to take him tightly, afraid to resist, but did not, continue walking without effort. "What about your car?" I asked, he just looked at me with crystal eyes, without saying anything. "Ohno-san, where is your car?, I need to take you home" Blinking several times, and pointed to the street in front, there was his car, parked in front of one of the few areas Vivaldi was in Japan.
nodded and went back to tomar his arm and turned to follow me, without resistance. "Keys?" I asked, when we arrived. He already had them in hand, I took them and opened the passenger door, and put it there, I went to the driver.
"Nino ..." murmured again, just when I started the car. "What?"
asked "What were you doing there?"
"just happened, my house was made"
"Why did you enter? "
" Because I heard screamsnd, I saw, and thought someone hurt or hurt someone there, "I explained. We were silent again. "Do you live where it?" I asked.
nodded. Continue driving. "Are you ... angry ...?" he asked, I frowned.
"No, why should I be?"
"For closed ... The study "
" You had your reasons Ohno-san, should not be angry. You do not have to think about my ... "
" You have not changed anything ... "he muttered. No entendt, so I said nothing.
"Always hiding what you mean ... You are never clear, nor yourself "
Okay, that had made me feel wrong somehow.
"I learned the best" I replied.
heard her laugh. "Maybe I should quit"
"Maybe," I nodded. "Okay, I will" not understand that, but ... he was drunk, what he said made no sense.
arrived at last home. Damn, should take, now a taxi to the house of Aiba. Thanks Ohno Satoshi. Decreased auto, and went to the entrance, but tripped and fell.
"Ohno-san" exclaimed worried and rushed to lift.
"Sorry," apologized. "I feel dizzy"
"That you get for drinking so much"
"You drive too fast"
"not true"
laughed again. Who was smiling today, that if we ignore the pain reflected in her eyes, was not stupid, I had realized that he was suffering from asshole.
"Let's go" I said, and opened the door, we spent together, his arm around myshoulders. I started to shed some light. And I took him to the couch. "Here you'll be fine, until you get off your drunk"
"I'm not drunk," said
"Yeah, right. Need some more before I go? "
" Are you going so soon? "I asked pouting. Demons.
"Yes, I have some things to do ..."
"3 years ago since we've seen, how about you just leave me here as well?"
"What ; want to do? "
" Sit down and talk to me "I dIJO, and points to the empty spot on the couch.
"I will not sit and talk to a drunk who did not even know what he is saying"
"I'm not drunk!"
I rolled my eyes.
"Solo ... I just want to chat ... I want to be with you today, Kazu "
My heart returned to take a leap, and a chill ran through my body.
Yeah right. I only needed when I was hurt when he suffered, I was fucking her to cry and nothing else. I could not see otherwise. Had had enough.
"I can not
" Please ... "
"No, enough!" I exclaimed.
I cried was apparently enough for the shut. I breathed deeply, trying to calm down, and headed for the door, did not try to stop me this time.
"Call if you need anything" I said, trying to smooth things over between him and me. This meeting had not gone very well, but, how could work if he was not in their senses?
I opened the door and left. Maybe I should have borrowed your car and would not have to pay a taxi to the house of Aiba.
My phone rang suddenly. Probably isand Aiba, wondering why I took so long.
"Nino ..."
Ohno ", What the hell did he want? I sighed.
"What, What do you need?"
And without warning, I felt warm and beautiful hand took mine.
"May you stay" whispered in my ear. Had way to resist that?
'will suffer' whispered a voice inside my head. I knew but ... What did it matter? Damn, I loved him. And I did not care to do even the most stupid, pathetic humillante, just to be with him. If you need me now, the way that I wanted, I would be there. I nodded, and let me guide you in your home, again.
Both sat in the chair. And I watched his eyes, unfocused and thoughtful.
"Is something wrong?"
He shook his head and looked at me. "Just ... There ... something I want to do ... "he whispered.
"What?" I asked, and before he could react, he had his lips on mine, pressing insistently. And I was completely paralyzed, unable to think, act, and mufar less breathing, my head had begun to turn around, and I had to close my eyes to avoid passing out there, and when I did, my heart started beating faster, and again I feel I ran out of air.
What the hell is happening?
What should I do?
What should I do?!
Wait, was it stupid? Satoshi Ohno
was kissing me. Yes, Satoshi Ohno was kissing!
was a fool to ask me what to do.
share. For Ohno was my weakness, I had always been. And it was wonderful.
him, that kiss, his mamanner of kissing her lips, texture, taste ... Everything, everything was wonderful. I could not make or a phrase / coherent thought in my mind, which had been completely disconnected and only my body was capable of feeling, the thousand and one emotions that simple kiss was causing in me.
After a few moments the air was missing, and this time was seriously. But I atrevíaa break the kiss. What if I was the only one who would take my whole life with Ohno?
could not waste this opportunity. And then it broke. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at me with yours, Crystal, was drunk.
Si ... just kiss me drunk.
took my face in her beautiful hands, and came close to yours. I, as a person weak, reciprocated. No matter that I had not given an explanation that, not even a: Sorry, no plans to do so.
Apparently, the explanations would be given later.
And if that would be later, since the second I could get was that he was being led slowly to a place which could be none other than: Your room.
And indeed it was. And I was already on his bed, and kissed every part of my body, and I replied no, not saying absolutamente anything. Kazunari
A voice shouted in my head. I opened my eyes suddenly. Realizing
whole situation. And I had two choices.
The first: Push it, and end this madness now. Get out of there and go with Aiba and "enjoy" the party that may and it was over.
And the second: Stay, take this opportunity that fate had given me. May never be repeated. Ohno never again to kiss and touch me this way.
To be honest, I liked the second more. But even so ...
"Ohno ..." I whispered,trying to get your attention and distract him from biting my neck.
"Mmm ..." was all I had to respond.
"You know ... Who am I? "ask. Yes, that sounded stupid, but I had to make sure.
"Yes" whispered and continued his task.
"Who?" Only did so to be sure.
He again took my face in his hands and kissed me a minute. "Kazu," I replied, and I could not help but smile at that.
"What will happen now?" I asked innocently. Rio
"What you want to quand happen ... "turned to whisper, and had already started to unbutton my shirt, slipped one of his hands inside, stroking my chest.
breath, trying to stifle a groan, but that did not stop my skin bristles with his touch, and keep it complacent smile.
"Are you sure?"
"Your what are you?" That was a question ... Offensive.
"Yeah ..." I responded.
"Then move"
And before I could say anything, not like I planned to do it anyway, my shirt was already in the ground, and we both kissed passionately, running the bodyl other with desire and despair.
I did not know how many times I almost fainted die that night. Not only because it was my first time, but because it was with Ohno. And he was so amazing. The way he handled my body, how each of their friction made me go crazy, the way her tongue was playing everywhere on me. All along, he did the most wonderful thing in the world. I do not even bother to say anything, to say nothing. He could not, just closed my eyes and I let me do whatever I wanted.
And if he did. 3 rounds, and almost straight. My God, this man if he was in need of sex.
And I could not complain. I felt like asleep every time I played. It was something fantastic, do not want it to end ever. Regardless
if only for tonight. It had been terrific, and it was something that remained in my memory forever.
We parted. My lips were completely wet and red, she knew. But I did not care, wanted to keep kissing.
"Ohchan" I whispered in your ear. It was 5am and I had not the slightest bit of strength to get up, or will. I just wanted to stay here forever.
"I'm tired," he said before giving a big yawn, and snuggle with me. Hiding his head between myneck. I pat her back and her hair gently.
smiled. How could I not tired? Please, if he was tired, I had no idea how I was.
"You're amazing Kazu" and his hot breath hit my neck, bristling over my skin. I let out a giggle
"And you, you really have 35 years?"
river also. He spent his arms around my waist, sticking more, if possible, to your body. And I closed my eyes ... Hundiedome in a happy dream.
- - - - -
them to like? Haha XD we'll see if LJ
let me upload it XD and it is only the firstXD uu part
Thanks for being so patient minna: D \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3! Janeshituu: D
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