Rating: K +
Pairing (s): James / Scorpius
Disclaimer: Neither HP nor its universe belong to me. Everything is owned by Rowling and I get no profit from this.
Summary: The looks change over time and the feelings they provoke.
A Warning: Slash , maybe a little Fluff = /
Notes: Well, it cost me A LOT. Enjoy people, Specially alegannot.
* written for
The first time they saw there was nothing to do really had no known interest or desire, just look colliding with another, as all those glances collide on the streets, burning for a moment, then turned off, those that mean nothing.
was a day when it rained, you were a path to your class of History of Magic surrounded by all those who admired you, t & uacute, joking and everybody laughed. What could I say? They were terribly popular and you fell good to all, was part of your essence being so charismatic, and being a Quidditch player only increased the number of people who followed you in the hallways.
not you realize that your brother went to the side and was talking to a blond good looks; were busy telling an interesting anecdote, exaggerating the heroism of your actions.
And you would have never realized it had been in the right time to look up over your group to see if a teacher is acercaba, you met gray eyes.
Nothing happened, after a few seconds giraste face, unable to recognize the wearer of the eye and did not last in your mind the impression of them. Your silence had gone unnoticed by your entourage and followed with a joking smile, forgetting everything.
Without even spend a thought.
And therefore did not see that the blonde did the same by turning to keep talking with your brother, nor heard when asked the reason for his silence, and saw her shrug and as her lips modulated a negative response.
Your eyes do not hab & iacute, an upset or had taken away the breath as much, not affected him at all.
Both followed their ways without you realizing it, and he, without noticing you. Each with their lives and thoughts. Therefore
the first time you saw was brief, insignificant, and all its synonyms. Totally inconsequential.
not burned and fell in love passionately, even thought devoted to the other. When you remember this fact can not be more obvious that theirs was never love at first sight or some stupid crush.
And always, inevitably, sigh, then & amp; eacute; s all've never believed in love at first sight. It is illogical. OoO
The second time they saw you were burning with rage and dying of boredom. Not against him but against the circumstances that had led you to be a Saturday morning collecting medicinal plants in the Forbidden Forest for Potions class on Monday. On a Saturday in which he played the final Gryffindor-Ravenclaw, where you were a browser (just like your father, what can you say? It's in the blood).
The boy came as Sprout and railed against their punishment and against any policy, had, Has been sent by the mentioned teacher to help you select the plants needed, in short, had been sent to keep you escape your punishment.
I feel get to feel the leaves rustling and your instincts, so awake because of Quidditch, and looked, were to react quickly.
And their eyes met again, arrested your insults and he moved a little to you.
Only then you remembered his eyes, but did not get to remember where you saw no reason, could not remember anything but the color of silver, you got off the ground with a reflex and you came to him . Decided to appear to be & amp; iacute; to well so you shrug and you did.
-James Potter.
calculatingly He looked at you and after a few seconds of scrutiny extended his hand with a natural elegance, apparently. "Scorpius Malfoy
Just then you hear your name, and hearing his name to remember everything that had ever said the Malfoys Uncle Ron. I looked into his eyes, gray and silver, and decided not believe one bit (he did not seem to be able to kill a fly, what could you do?). You stretched out your hand, picking up his security.
certainly was a strange moment, you'd think then, as taken from the books. But that's not what you thought at the time, because at that moment you missed a bit in the gray eyes of Malfoy.
Thank heaven (or maybe not), Scorpius cut off contact, he began to tell you what you should do and how you should remove the plants. Obeyed without complaint, after all was your guardian until the punishment was over. You put to work while he cleaned the plants you've already got.
When I was three in the afternoon (because you realized Malfoy looked at his watch, which automatically leadsto see yours) Malfoy told you you could go away now. Did not think much, and you starting back hurt so many plants.
You walked away looking back, watching Scorpius ranked leaves and roots with the safety and speed of an expert.
that day he thought a time. Why deny it? I was concerned, its ways and its security will only increase your intrigue. Wanted to know who was actually Malfoy. And that in itself was already pretty forward of you, this time did not want a single fan.
What you had no way of knowing that Malfoy was also thoughtin you that day, as he had done to remind the story that he once told his father.
(Actually there were a few things that his father had told him. That was the good thing about being an only child: the trust and full attention of parents.)
That story in which Harry Potter rejected the hand of his father.
why he felt so extrañoy was delayed in returning to reality, an attempt not to get lost in the memory of history had been hard, and failed.
But not thought much about it, or at least did not have time to do so. Albus took to keep him distracted with other cdare, worried about his expression thoughtful.
The second time they met, but still do not know, had a lot of iconic value. It was a statement that the story is often repeated to erase past mistakes. It was a guarantee that history could be changed forever.
But did you know that's not until much later, because after all, did not need to know. OoO
The third time they met was at the Christmas Dance Integration.
You wore a robe elegant and unkempt hair on purpose, of course, nothing was better than you misalign styledo. By your side was the fourth-Ravenclaw, was brown and black hair, very pretty and nice.
What was his name ...?
Ah! Eileen, the same with you studied Herbology. She looked good so I do not care much about taking her to the prom after all and she needed a couple had been the first to ask,.
When you entered the Great Hall your eyes swept the crowd recognizing familiar faces and others waved here and there with a smile on his face and Eileen went with you, while girded your waist with your arm. CHT
MLXC Until I saw him.
Scorpius was totally elegant, with a gray tunic and green, combining well with his eyes. Apparently was alone, but was talking to your brother for something that could not understand (neither was much interested in you ... right?).
And it was you were setting and looking really, but you should admit that it looked awfully handsome (try to ignore that drew you a little, you could not feel attracted to someone he barely knew!)
trying to shake that thought in your head and you turned to see Eileen, trying to pretty it was saface in your mind the blond. You did it (at that time really were terribly stubborn) dancing with her in the middle of the track, after all the dancing is to dance, right?
been a while since you were bored, you legs hurt from dancing, and Eileen did not seem tired. Excuse you, citing fatigue and all the reasons you could, she was angry and turning left. Cursed under his breath, she was pretty ...
But you ignored and gone to sit in a corner of the Great Hall, taking care to remain hidden from the eyes of your followers, were too tired to smile a little m & aacute; s.
badly you sit down in a chair vacíay sighed. Stretch your arms and feel another person, flipped with an apology on his lips.
-Potter, Tired?
was Scorpius Malfoy, and did not seem bothered by the insurance blow inflicted by chance you had.
"Something, Malfoy.
I dealt with last names seemed absurd, did much to not call anyone by name, but assumed it was his custom.
The problem started when he went out there a pretty waitress winked yours given a bottle of whiskey fire. Then
do not remember too much of that time except a few things. For example, do not know how the hell you got to convince Scorpius to drink whiskey with you, or tell how to start your life and work.
But if you remember to shut the Great Hall at a time of night and also remember the cries of the teachers, telling the students to retreat to their bedrooms.
also remember that ended in a courtyard of the school, leaning against a wall and drank drink after drink, sharing a bottle. Remember the sudden intimacy, and felt as if they had known for a lifetime.
Scorpius was still a bit restrained, but what is not allowed to withdrawis to his bedroom was the total lack of willingness to move from where he was, but that did not know you, after all.
And the truth you would not think of anything but to keep talking and drinking, intractable symptoms of alcohol you had gone to his head.
could have been left on until dawn if the liquor had not been finished, causing the conversation died and fell silent.
For some reason I looked into his eyes, and again you missed them, without finding any place which hold you to avoid falling into them. Alcohol frankly, did not help with that.
-Qu & eacute, strange ... "you said looking at Scorpius fixed and only nodded slightly.
Their faces were a few inches and in view of the balance you failed and you would not do anything to get it back, it was highly likely to end up kissing.
But just at the instant his lips and rubbed an owl hooted. Blessed
nature warned.
charm and instantly broke up both the floor with extreme stupidity.
"Until tomorrow ... James.
never knew, because you do not let it slip's name; kinds of alcohol, you thought at the time and they left, because that would not let you think very well. As there were a person not to return the favors you dismissed as well.
"Tomorrow, Scorpius.
And they parted, going Scorpius to the dungeon and you to the towers.
It goes without saying that the next day's hangover was not pretty. OoO
The fourth time they met ravaged her pulse, collapsing both attempts not to think about the other.
was one thing to go for drinks and say stupid and a half was something very different about kissing someone. Thought well about it, enough soI like to think that if they had kissed it would have been much easier, the perfect excuse would be obvious: alcohol.
But for almost kiss ... there was no excuse. Not when you're lost in the eyes of the person so deeply and has made no kiss. Because that means that the alcohol does not preclude you think, and therefore was not an excuse.
However, to come face to face after overcoming the shame, the opinion was the same, forgetting completely that they had almost kissed. And despite your own promises (of course, yourself and the other had no idea) not find or see more than is strictly necessary, graduallywere more vague and greetings in the hallways became whispered conversations in Potions class, to the surprise of Hugo and others.
friends were made known to force getting a little more.
friends were not the type of Albus and Scorpius (something you know you should not play or joke), but a tentative friendship.
A friendship that the unstable, with more downs than normal and has more than relationship, from those that are actually fronts for hidden feelings still strong not wish to be disclosed.
Because a normal friendship does not makeyour heart beat a little harder when it's your friend, and also causes the cheeks burn you when you say hello.
... That's not very brotherly say.
These friendships do not last long, because being on the edge of the boundary have to fall to either side.
edge became more narrow when one day I asked your brother about Scorpius. That was already more than extrañoy was a dumb move, if you think about it, and nothing is typical of an evil genius like you just did not fit with something that would. But you did.
And Albus, as a good Slytherin who was said not a word sobre Scorpius, proving his loyalty, but they laugh at you. Dress up your attempts to do so and as trying to maintain the necessary seriousness to your questions.
finished chuckling, though usually not as expressive with their emotions.
And you, impulsive as always cast a spell that he ducked. That triggered a duel in the hallway, a soft match perhaps, but that was Sprout.
grateful not having to clean all of Sprout's greenhouse plants, but she sent you to help you select Slughorn herbs for your classes, just like last time.
cursed almost all afternoon, rantsnd against all but the first thing Saturday morning you were in the woods again, selecting herbs.
Now, thanks to the rapid teaching of Scorpius already knew that plants were needed, but that did not make your job less tedious, you still kill the boredom.
arrived at noon and you could see stars and you let yourself fall to the floor, including herbs and fatigue had taken hold of you and wanted to rest. Llegaste
even think that maybe you should try to earn less punishment.
Your eyes were closed and were about to fall asleep cuI'm hear that leaves rustled to the passing of someone, you stay quiet, sense of who were these steps and you wanted to surprise him.
You got to hear a slight smile escape his lips, perhaps to see you lying on the floor that way, and I feel closer.
-James, Slughorn wants and Sprout herbs and sent me for them. Hurry up and working.
The tone he used was so relaxed that I smiled a little and sighed, it seemed that I was terribly depressing to be punished on a Saturday in spring, envy a little to Scorpius, who rarely were punished by teacher You either
a bit upset not to have the freedom you wanted and growled a bit, stating your refusal to move an inch from where you were.
sense, rather than saw, as Scorpius had squatted on your side.
- James? You can not fall asleep out here.
You smiled a bit until you feel the rays of the sun, a moment before falling on your eyelids, were replaced by shadows. You opened your eyes quickly, to meet with Scorpius.
- Sweet dreams? Get up once and go where Slughorn,
not pensaste truth too much, now you're wondering what had happened but he had, but you did. You got up a bit and drawing the face of Scorpius to you, you kissed him.
The kiss was like in the movies, first kissed him gently, hoping that suits you, and when he finally did, increasing the pace, walking your tongue over his lips gently. And he, surprisingly, opened.
They kissed until it runs out of breath, until the very life was slipping through his lips. And then, impaired breathing, red lips and eyes still closed, they separated.
They fell silent, staring at, or being found injos opponents, and then Scorpius stood up and walked at a fast pace, but without actually running. You left
then fall again, covering your eyes with your hands cursing your stupidity to kiss him, and hoping that it does not end his friendship. And really what you wanted.
But you wanted to retest her lips. OoO
The first time they met after the kiss he ignored you, trying not to turn to see a moment (probably from shame, but that's not what you thought then) and did not anything, because you do not know what to say to justify your actions. And it was obvious you neededjustify, or at least excusing.
So I just spent in front, trying not to turn your time and not be too obvious that you were really trying.
did the same thing every time they met in the halls this week and the week after that. They did not speak nor welcomed more than strictly necessary. And it was painfully obvious that something had happened between you. Getting to the point that Hugo would notice and I question it was rare ... very rare.
But as you have always been impulsive nature, at one point you decided, without much previous thoughts or psychology, you would not follow thegame from that point, were tired of ignoring it and that he will ignore.
The truth actually was not too difficult to find in the halls only after all had the Marauder's Map had ever had your father, what could have been difficult?
When you approach he tried to ignore, as usual, but ignores the intent and acoplándote in its path, he spoke in a firm voice, with that voice that came out every time something was not simply a sudden impulse, but a decisive boost.
-Scorpius. You have to listen.
Y & eacute, he just sped up, trying to leave as soon as possible and not hear a word of what you said, you could almost feel your blood boiling. Were not used to being ignored and unspeakable bother you that you ignore your supposed best friend, I completely unnerved. I fucked
arm strength and jalaste, and he looked at you with a mixture of anger and despair in his eyes, trying to zafarte you. Know that he probably wondered why they were friends and could talk, you know that empty feeling could be mutual, but wanted to force a little morethings, to react, you needed a reaction
"Let go, Potter.
sighed with some weariness but Scorpius arm fucked harder and cornered him against the wall.
"You have to listen first.
seemed to mohínya going to make a turn around, but I checked and looked into his eyes furiously.
"Well, what do you say?
sighed again, because you had no idea what to say. In as little psychology used in deciding to speak had not thought about what to say or howtell, were as at the beginning, however decided to tell the obvious. See if it worked, after all did not lose anything
-I'm sorry I kissed.
And then you shut up, because I do not know what to say to not dip, do not know what to do for every pass as if nothing and could still be friends. Scorpius looked askance (which seemed rooted to the spot, probably processing information), and then, strange to you, you had an epiphany of those that leave you white moments.
did not want to be your friend.
you think about it, because the fact deserved meditateor consciousness in the few seconds that had, in fact he did not regret the kiss, I liked the intensity of it and the softness of her lips, and the fact that they had been the lips of those who had Scorpius kissed only worse ...
thought you had that day (remember it), you'd like to think in terms of return to your lips if you want to try again.
I discussed a few seconds between doubt and determination, trying to discern if you follow your instincts would be right this time. Scorpius tried to get rid of your grip with some force, but not enough. I did think a bit if deb &; Iacute; as follow your instincts at that time.
not to discern, perhaps because there were too many things involved in that decision (emotions, feelings, dreams ... and thousands of things that really did not want to think).
So I decided to do what he did best: blow it all to hell and follow your instincts.
And that did the same, addressed to Scorpius, staring at him, before the excitement of this and frowns.
"Hell, no regrets at all.
You got to stay stone again, and then did.
I kissed a second time.
Scorpius resisted the start, pushing a bit, and when your tongue began to caress her lips tried to bite, something in fact did, ripping a moan that made him shudder.
could not help thinking that the effect of his tactics had been counterproductive, as they continued kissing him and he yielded little by little ... until you accounted for kiss with a bit of bad temper and resignation with some of that feeling of 'Why the hell do I? ". And then you fully accounted for, raising his arms around your neck while you entangledyour hands in your hair.
If someone had asked at that time if you knew what you did you would have shrugged, still felt no love, sure was, because, as a thousand and one times I had Lily repeated, at that age you could not love anyone.
you into an illusion, as he had called her.
Well, certainly, then you could not even say you were in love with Scorpius Malfoy, and for that reason, when the kiss ended and he did not hint to get away and just smiled left no escape from your lips those words. As much as you pod & iacuyou, as at that time that someone who did not want to break her heart or in your worst nightmares, was to tell you were excited about it, and that you liked too. That sounded so damn naive and corny to say it does not think it would not have done jamásy or thousands of years, simply would not you.
So after the kiss, with his hands still around your neck and yours caught in his hair, again, did not know what to say.
take a few seconds to think, then, support your face in you tell yours.
"I think ... we should try. Nothing
po & amp; eacute; tico, indeed, nothing to leave probably felt somewhat betrayed, not yet able to define, for him.
Scorpius, years later, of course, you would laugh at what sounded simple, nothing compared to what it really involved the offer.
But then none of them knew nothing of what life brings them, so that Scorpius looked at you and nodded slowly as his lips closer to yours again, taunting.
"We will.
And that was the end of the beginning of his own.
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