Challenge: # - 15
Wands, Celtic tree table, "The wand chooses the wizard" ;. Action: Draco reflects on all those who may have taken his wand (making a parallel to steal the heart) and why, what does Harry Potter that he alone succeeded. Be mentioned boyfriends or former partners who took green or gray that loved, or crazy maniáticos they tried to kill or tortured. I wish they were both young, but mature adults.
provided by Challenge:
Wordcount: 3.200 approx.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In a trial is slightly more important things to think about, dearDraco.
Notes: Somebody kill me, but I finished it in a hurry and all that just the 15 same. May not adhere much to the challenge, I know I Deserve dying. Anyway, hope you still like it.
* this was written for
you see in the hallway, toward the Court and stay static. You have not seen in a long time since you were caught in Malfoy Manor, and see him again, in the Ministry of Magic, just when you go to trial, impresses you.He
determined expression about, chatting with her best friend and you reach to hear a piece of their conversation.
"It's innocent, Ron. I know it and so I will testify.
- After all that the fact ferret, Harry? Really?
can see how he sighs, then nods eagerly, his face full of absolute resolution.
"Yes, Ron, really.
And then you lose sight behind the doors of the Court. Never has been, and that's not strange to you, seeing the situation in quand you. You
reduced in a room with bars for about Aurors, while waiting for the trial which will decide whether or not you're going to Azkaban, and have no idea of what awaits you behind those heavy doors behind Potter which has disappeared.
you want to give blows to the head like an elf, because it is the best time to think Potter and your feelings for him just when you go to trial on charges of murder and for being a Death Eater.
can even understand these elves for a moment before thinking again Potter. And in the mansion.
remember that he still has your wand and your hands are twitching. Dimonnte expect not to go to Azkaban, you've only spent a few days there, awaiting trial, and I have hated with all your soul to such an extent that you would rather die than go back there. The dementors are terrible and I've been remembering the things you'd rather not remember again, moments of torture, cries of people who tortured you, your own cries to be tortured by the Dark Lord.
Things really would hate having to remember.
prefer to think of other things, so close your eyes for a while, thinking about Potter. Again.
That will infuriate finishes, what does that c Potteronsiguió you love with him? You think of everything he is.
His hair is a nest of rats, has no taste, has the most beautiful green eyes you've ever seen, has a hero complex, is awfully good.
No. Not now you have to be quiet to introduce at trial.
But the truth is that there are still a few hours. All the Wizengamot in full must be already there. Potter
Remember when you took the wand at Malfoy Manor, before fleeing with your old elf.
It's funny to be just that the memory that comes to mind right now. CHTM
What the heck have LXC with sticks today?
If you think about it, you also Blaise took the wand once, many years ago, in third year when you were still a críoy life was not so complicated.
had been a joke, and then I returned it, of course, but it was fun a good time at your expense. You had to spend a whole day without doing magic.
Blaise also wanted to quite, actually. And he wanted you to you.
not know what did not work with you in that time, it might bewere simply too young. Nothing too stable may arise in an age like that.
was good while it lasted, you think, trying to find a better position in the uncomfortable chair in which you are bound.
Yes, Blaise could've stolen my heart in the same way that Potter had. Because it was terribly easy with him, both Slytherins and it looks pretty. They were very compatible. Pansy
I could have snatched his wand, but you never grabbed it, but almost always. She was working terribly well coNo wand as the tongue, definitely. If I wanted would have reduced to dust in a duel.
And besides, she had always been by your side no matter what, even when you were a heavy and did not want anyone to come up to you or to three miles.
A Pansy always cared less about your personal space, and that the closer to you than anyone.
always had a special place in your heart, was like someone who would always be there no matter what would.
Hogwarts could all say that was hostile and cold, they could say it was aa real snake, but that just proved he did not know at all.
Pansy would never be the friend that you pass the kleenex when you cry, or comfort you with a handkerchief that was not his method. It was sarcastic and made you see the problems as indeed they were when you insist on making them bigger. The
stripped of importance based on irony and sarcasm, until they saw how stupid the problem.
was a bitter medicine, but at the end of the medicine that cures much faster than conventional.
always could be, but it was not. I will have
í Pansy married as if no war had been unleashed and Potter occupy your thoughts now. At the end of the day was a pure family and your link would have been more than appropriate, it would have been perfect.
sigh, looking at the clock hanging from the small prison where you are locked. Loose
a slight hiss and frown slightly, very slightly, so you will not wrinkle, and that makes you remember another that had the same mania frown and soft like you .
Zacharias Smith.
He had been a disaster. Well able to take your wand, but totalmens closest to you, you are unpredictable, but also elusive, making it difficult to follow the pace.
This returns you to think and want mesarte Potter hair until you remember (for the umpteenth time) when I took the wand at Malfoy Manor and now when you've seen it go down the hall, ready to testify to your favor.
you start thinking if it is likely that in reality he is not entirely indifferent to you. If digging through your memories Potter has always had an obsession to you such as the time he almost late to the game in the sixth year only delayed to talk to you in the hallways.
Adem & aacute, s always had an eye on you, was for suspected or otherwise, only he could answer, but it was comforting to know that there was a possibility that you were not the ú only one who felt that.
addition, one does not testify in favor of the people you hate, right?
Aurors When one enters the room, his face expressionless and serious and I breaks out, taking you to the gates of the Court, you only have time to look up at the clock and realize that I've really been driven by your thoughts in a terrible way. Can not believe I have spent two hours it is ten &; Iacute; an to go before the trial. Already
made a real old man, only twenty years, do you not have told you that only the elderly spend so much time lost in their memories?
You try to take you to quiet the fact that you are now before the court of the Wizengamot and Potter has his sights set on you with something similar to the concern filling their green eyes.
Indeed, the trial is less terrible than you expected.
It's just people and more people and more people, then blaming others defend your innocence. Well, actually only Potter and your lawyer.
The way Potter testifies, and how do you justify stuns you for a moment so well that seems to understand your behavior and your reasons for doing so. Perhaps he understands it would do the same if I had a family that do, think, and something tells you that you are correct.
makes you feel something warm inside that Potter eloquently defend you despite your circle of friends (read: Ronald Weasley) disapprove, but do not cheat, is not like flying or something, that's pathetic and cheesy entry. It's like comfort you a little, because these ulScams days the only thing I have defended is your lawyer, and he would pay for it.
However there is a time trial where you have a feeling that can be characterized by jealousy and stupid, and illogical, because it's just smiling at Potter Granger signal Potter aprobacióny smiling back enthusiastically. However
then come to want to give blows to the head about that because honestly, Draco, you're in full view, in a trial in which casually decide your future in or out of Azkaban, and the least you can do is pay attention to the judge of that depends veredicto.
But when the trial is ending, your attorney says at last his closing argument and you do not choice but to acquiesce and actually give to your attorney is worth every miserable galleon of the exorbitant amount that you have been charged , despite its origins.
And yes, not surprised you missed it left Potter and everyone in general at the start of the trial in finding that your lawyer was none other than Dean Thomas. How
consented to defend a guy like you Malfoy? Up to you, because with the salary that you pay off you'd better leave you free.
But bureaucracy does not work as fast, and there was a recSo two hours for the court to reach agreement on it.
You were tired, to say nothing of your lawyer. The poor man had spent all night working on his case and the trial itself.
"Now we just wait, Malfoy.
settle, for once, that I was clear. And then, even though it cost you, and doing so only because you knew he deserved congratulations after a plea so good, you got up and stretched out her hand, looking face.
"It was an excellent argument, Thomas.
Dean was in shock,any normal person would be in shock. Come on, you never hand out congratulations and acknowledge the hard work of others, do not you born, you never been born. Perhaps the
After you ablandándote over the years.
Your voice certainly mental was being bothered by that age for some time, is it simply could not keep his comments?
Luckily, Dean regained his speech before you get bored and smiled a little, pleasantly surprised by what he saw.
"Thanks, Malfoy. Potter stayed
Look; Ndon from the other end of the court, it was certainly strange to see Dean smile at you and smiling at Dean.
You do not know, you had no way of knowing, but at the time Potter felt a flash of jealousy so sudden and disturbing that he was perplexed for a while.
What was that? He had no reason why you feel jealous or whatever it was that of Dean, since he did not feel anything for you, right?
could not do more than wait for the court so few Aurors came back and youled (again) to the room where you had hoped the start of the trial. Apparently the argument of Thomas on the family and all that had influenced them somewhat, because this time do not tied to the chair.
thanked internally, because you've cornered your level of gratitude and you could not do forever.
And you turned to sit around, watching the clock, trying not to get remembering this time. The tension that you felt helped in part. In two hours, decide what your life will definitely change, if you would go to Azkaban or not.
You try to dominate you do not panic, because it is uselessand because your serenity and your dignity are all that is left in those moments of anxiety. But in any case would have fallen if not for an Auror at the time he entered the room announcing that you had a visit.
arching an eyebrow, "visit?, One hour before the verdict? Pansy, Blaise and the rest of your friends outside the country, your father and your mother a cell under house arrest, you can not think anyone who was to visit at that time.
To your surprise, who walks in the door is Potter.
you feel a little puzzled, really. What's the check?
-Potter, which in Novemberage.
Your tone of voice, as Malfoy, waking a bit and goes to the chair you're sitting and you extend your hand.
-Malfoy-consider a moment not to take your hand and it still sticks in your memory the fact that once he did the same with you, but after pondering takes his hand. Come on, that we all mature. I wanted to talk about your wand. You put
alert because earlier that day you've been thinking the same, the fact that your precious Potter has hawthorn wand, which has not seen since the hero snatched you ; during the war.
"That sameI wanted to talk about, Potter. You see, I'd like to return it.
Potter smiles a little fun to your irreverent tone and surreptitious. You can find grace to the case, it sounds like he wanted to give you the right then to be your accomplice.
"As the verdict is given, will decide what to do with your wand.
contains a grimace. That means, in the words sincere, that the Ministry intended to break your rod if you are free.
Potter does not seem so annoying, does not seem upset at all, and only plays with his wand in his hand. Seems to have nothing moreto tell you. You stand and walk around the room a while before looking back the clock and noted that only another ten minutes now. A This is called elapsed time to stumble.
Only the certainty that you'll soon know what will become of your life makes you open your mouth and ask,
- Do you think will win?
Potter looks at you from where he sits, and in her eyes you can see many interesting things for you, as a certainty, hope and something to identify as tenderness.
but diverted his gaze almost immediately and stops, turning toward the door, and you smile like a scoundrel, for nowto know that Potter is not indifferent to you and that you know to win. See how he puts his hand on the handle and then open the door but not before turning and saying with a smile.
"I know you will.
Your smile gets wider as he leaves and the Aurors come, telling you that the jury reached a verdict. Sales
room with a firm step, and free from anxiety. Dean looks at you when you sit and envy your mettle, because he is like a noodle and it seems a thousand times more nervous than you about the jury's verdict.
need not have been so nervous. CHTMLX
C The verdict says he is innocent of the charges of murder, but still guilty of the charge of Eater. The good news is that the sentence was reduced to probation for two years, which is a thousand times better than initially expected.
Everything feels better when the judge sets the case as closed. Much better.
turned around to feel Potter's gaze on your neck and you find him staring at her, with something that speaks of joy, joy that you're free at last.
You've always been unpredictable, since you are a born under the influence of hawthorn, unpredictable, funny, creative.
know that if you say or dos something now, Potter will give up. Because yes, you've noticed, at last, that Potter is really interested in you.
should have noticed before, because you've always been a constant in his life, almost as much as he has been in yours. And indeed, Harry was always terribly obvious at school, or at least very little subtle.
So you look and smile, naughty, running to him. He is looking at you, and you see how that joy in his eyes has mutated into desire.
And your mind is lost for a while, on the way to the door, to where he is, inthe amount of things you might want to ask for all the years (not really that long, but have felt like years. You really only this morning was thinking about Pansy and possible marriage? ) that have not been together for all time of desire content.
good thing is that when you get close, it seems that he has been thinking the same thing. Or at least, it seems.
sonríey you how your lips feel you defy gravity, smiling back.
"I have your wand with me now. Would you like dinner tomorrow? Then you could return ther.
The tone used in the very word "dinner" you terribly obscene sounds promising, makes your mind think about what might happen after that dinner.
not even think and nod.
"With pleasure, Potter. Charring Cross "at 9? I know a good site. Potter
settle and make their way toward the door. You do not know how, but at some point, after walking a few moments in the corridors, Potter corners you against a dead end and kisses. Kisses you fiercely, as if he looking forward to it very long. Who knows, maybe years.
More than a kiss, it's a struggle, and no tongue, saliva anduncontrolled gasps that can not be silenced if they try. There is a bit of chaos and a lot of instinct, is the fear of discovery and the thrill of risk.
reluctant are separated when the air becomes necessary and you smile unabashedly.
And if dinner is ahead of that night, and then the other, and the night after that also dine together. And discuss, talk, reconcile, fuck, and live full time.
And then only them.
Because everything is exquisitely clear.
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