# First!: IT'S 21! OMG! The compliment of AIBA! : SSS "XD I have not done anything for him, but yesterday I was not all day>.> 'my parents took me shopping Christmas, as # 2! XD and could not be even a second here Arashan uu ~ was feoo XD But now I'm back! and I have an idea for Christmas / CumpledeAibis \u0026lt;3 and will see if I can n_n 'at a time: DD
# II: DVD! XD hahah the Arashi Concert DVD! XD If I wanted to know if someone already bought it, buy it! XD hahah I can not wait! {that's my Christmas present from me to my xD} AND I WANT TO SEE IT!
# Third: Speaking of View, someone saw the cap. Freet final? I do not want spolia, but it was GREAT! and as in all Japanese Drama you see: I cried I always cry XDD haha XD I'm a squeaky! >//\u0026lt;' If you have not seen: Check it out! see Freet, ie wo kau! ES SHFHSHDAJSKDHAJDH! XD Nino and action was: asasdasdasdasda! and Aiba! adsadasdasdasda! its appearance was little a, but still when I saw Scream XDD \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3! xDD I have not seen the cameos but the buscare (: And I can not wait to Bartender! Arashi I wonder if that will do the song for nu ~ Dorama tmb whether to say yes or no money XDD I'm dry and I tmb buy Ohoku! so nuu is better not XDDD XDDD hahahas
# Fourth: I CAN NOT WAIT TO THE MUSIC STATION SUPER LIVE! Esp nor the VSA {a but that is another, or not .. XDD} the Kouhaku! and I want to see! Tmb ^ ^ And the Countdown, peru nuuu is ~ as Arashi no anger ... or so I suspect ... AAAIIH! Arashi want to do even a transmission from the Kouhaku! Can not? Arashi need in the Countdown! T / / T '
# Five: ICONS! I have more Icons for
Similarly, even for Ady, I guess that others can take some if you like ^ / / ^
READY! the 10 ICONS! I hope you like Ady-chan ^ ^
I'm leaving because I finish what's Aibis / Christmas before running out of 21! : SSS
Jane! (:
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