This entry Supaa fasutoo nobody wants to read and who is not a Fic XDD But I do because I have time and had to give some warnings out there ~ ~
So Empezamoos:
~ First, as already noticed, change my layout and my Header, for the month of AIBIS \u0026lt;3 , the poor made my Header (^ ^) and the layout, thanks to: ;
~ Secondly, I must announce my small, orHiatus of more or less a week, I have the damn exams bi>.> 'And I look to leave Minna bn bn ^ ^ wish me luck on my torture bimonthly: SS
After this week I'll be free to write, so update it! * Confetti! ~ * And you come after the holidays and will update more often ~ I do to finish all my pending Fics, remember that 'The Heart' you are only 2 more caps
^ ^ ~ Third, I hate to say, but I have to uu, which unfortunately could not do the idea I had in mind for this December and Aiba by month! uu, I wanted to make a kind of Drabble per day until Christmas / birthday, years of Aiba, osease December 24, would be SAKURAIBA! thought it but I have 3 Ohmiya Ohmiya fics XD hahah And as was the month of Aiba said SAKURAIBA SEH OH! but thanks to my ugly exams, I did not, because it would not be able to update per day: / So that idea was not carried out
uu ~ ~ No way Fourth, a so want to do something for Aibis birthday, so that if they have an idea, not of something they want to read, can you tell me, but you know that I would be writing after next week, osease I can start writing again from December 11 , Gomen minna, by leaving them so long but agg update! hahahah XD school seriously burned!
>.>''' So you know, any idea, or something you want to read ~ Tell me! ^ / /^ And I will write, but must be Drabble [Gomen but I can not put another Fic! and are 3 that I update! XDDD: SSS] and is in relation to AIBA! remember it is your week ^ ^, If not Sakuraiba can get the couple who want even Aimiya ~ XDD (I say that I'm bad writing that porqe: SS, but I would do if you ask me ^ ^)
So those are all Announcements & Notices ~!
See you December 11th!, Espremos ~ Take care all \u0026lt;3 Please be patient with n__n Fics' Do not worry
*-----* JANEESHITUU! Deshita Ayarashi-chan ~: DD
Be Embarrassed by the Chifladito while Chuuus XDDDD ~ ~ \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3!
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