Dedicated to:
Day # 23 - Christmas Kiss -
} {Ohmiya
Nino drove slowly and carefully through the streets of Tokyo, directly to your department, where he was waiting for: Hot chocolate, hot , and most importantly: Your Oh-chan. He smiled to himself. Why the hell was so much traffic? Wanted to remove all those cars and run freely down the road to get there, and to launch into the warm arms of Satoshi. But, unfortunately, could not. And the day had gotten worse traffic with all the snow that blocked roads and causeddrivers were more careful and slow. Nino sighed. He had been a long, hard days in a week. She did not want more work, he never thought he would be saying that, especially because he loved his job, but ... Was very heavy lately ... Maybe I was just stressed, if only it was. He kept wanting to work. I was just very ... discouraged, because it would have tons of work for Christmas, for the first time in 11 years, had something planned. For the first time, had plans for Christmas: Pass it to Satoshi, toooda Christmas, two of them together. Ohno, had canceled his celebration evenng traditional family, which had been busy, and although Nino had told him not to, Ohno insisted, and only one year, just for this year, its mother would not attend, but why? If those days would have occupied.
Nino charge in his seat, waiting for the cars move ahead ...
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The elevator doors opened, and Nino smiled happy to see the door of his apartment. Had finally arrived. He walked up there, dragging sfoot us, he was still tired, even more than when he left the company. Arms too craved more.
opened the door and entered. Just as he did, he felt arms wrap around your neck, and his face was suddenly covered with a fluffy thing that gave him tickling his face.
-Oh-chan, "he laughed, trying to remove the hair over his face. When he felt like two little lips rested on hers, eager and desperate lips.
Nino accounted soon, extranied if, but what mattered?
Both kissed intensely entangled Nino arms tightly around the waist of Ohno, the largest arms around Nino's neck, stroking her hair.
Both opened their mouths, leaving the other's language go through them, meet, intertwine.
Nino Ohno moaned and felt a warmth invade your body slowly. Raised its hands and took Ohno's face including lips licked more slowly before turning to kiss with passion. Contino well for a few minutes, youta to be separated, missing the sometimes too annoying, Air.
- Why? - Missed Nino asked, smiling.
In response, Ohno looked upwards. Nino did too, and smiled happily as she realized the little sprig of mistletoe over the door.
"Merry Christmas, Kazu Ohno whispered in the ear of Nino.
Nino smiled.
- And you expect me as just that? - Coment later, and a mischievous smile began to grow on his lips.
- Huh? - Ohno asked, confused.
the child's smile widened further. And his hands went down to the waist Ohno, leaning back to kiss him, as he drove slowly towards the room.
The sprig of mistletoe, shining beautifully in the doorway. He witnessed the most beautiful and pure love ...
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Ready, minna muuucho hope you enjoy yourChristmas, do not roll made here, because ma, ana tmb subire input, that will not read, will be very busy n__n 'but when you have time ~ (: There will always be here, even if read to the 2011 ^ ^ I love you ~ XDD
Janee \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3 \u0026lt;3
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